The biggest upcoming open world survival game of 2021

Welcome to Boundless and our amazing creation so far-
Realism FPS survival coming 2021/2022


Made possible with the investment and backing of linkmon and his team. All our devs are fully experienced with at least 1yr+ in their specalised field of work.

ChiefVenxm - Map designer/Owner
Netflix 2 - User Interface Designer/Owner
Conner - Game Designer/Lead Dev
Modkarrot - Viewmodel Animation designer
Neptune - Composer
SmoothVibes - Modeler
Strax - Modeler
duh - Modeler
ChewyFedoras - Particle designer
EMPTY- PBR Model Texturer
Tipic_faker- Weapon framework designer
Rudy - Lead Scripter

What is Boundless exactly and why is it so different then any other survival game in the making or currently out there? Well then find out and read on.

Core Gameplay:

An open-world game with run down encampments and abandoned cities.

You can craft different tools, armour, and weapons to give you advantages over other survivors. Time is your enemy as your competitors get geared and stronger by the minute.

Play out risk vs reward scenarios by looting more dangerous places. Will you risk it all to get ahead of your enemies?

Multiplayer Mechanic

Wipes and Update schedules

We plan to do a wipe every month which will come with a big update and then we release game patches and bug fixes every week without resetting data/progress. We will never wipe your progress in the game until the wipe happens so you have a month to play the game and have a true adventure before we release something else :slight_smile: .

Server Hosting

The game will feature regional servers so depending on your server region will depend on how well you play and server time zones and etc.

It’s best to play on your timezones so that you will have less chance of getting offline raided.

The best way to play is with people that are from the area you’re in so you can choose your region and hop in to our great 24/7 cloud servers.

We have free 24/7 official servers.

But you can make your own community server and pay a monthly hosting fee to host your server so other players can play on it.

All servers have the option to play with our boundless anticheat installed and ready.

Building Mechanics

Will work on a snap structure system. Players will build setpieces in the world in allowed zones. NON BUILD ZONES will be looting spots, resource nodes, and PVE raids.

Raiding Mechanics

Raiding will be split into two terms. PVE and PVP raids.

PVE raids will be at static locations on the map against NPC enemies with respawn timers that start after entering the raid. Players will have a set amount of time to get in, loot, and get out before the raid swarms them with enemies.

PVP raids will be non-static locations based on player base location. Players will use explosives and weaponry to breach a player base and loot it. Defending players will be able to set up many traps in order to catch the raider, but they can only be activated while the players of that base are offline.

We will also add quests in the game to help our players gain more loot but players can counter these quests and take them over. So speed and numbers greatly help out the quest. We may choose to make quests every hour or so and give player coordinates. We also make the map have coordinates so it’s easier for players to navigate. We will also provide minimaps.







-Aug A3





Sniper Rifle:





-Pump Shotgun

-Double Barrel

-Combat Shotgun




-Colt 45

-Glock 17

-30 bore
-Flint and steel gun

Primitive weapons:

-Wooden Spear

-Stone spear

-Wooden bow

-Metal bow






-5.56 Ammo

-5.56 Incendiary ammo

-5.56 Explosive ammo

-Pistol ammo

-Pistol Incendiary ammo

-Stone tip arrow

-Flame tip arrow

-Barbed tip arrow

-Rocket ammo

-Grenade ammo


Pinewood Armor


Firearm Protection: Low

Melee Protection: Medium

Radiation Protection: None

Speed Reduction: High

Set Bonus: Wearer is immune to ‘Bleed’

Leather Armor


Firearm Protection: Very Low

Melee Protection: Low

Radiation Protection: Low

Speed Reduction: Very Low

Set Bonus: Wearer has greatly increased Stealth against animals

Scrap Armor


Firearm Protection: Medium

Melee Protection: High

Radiation Protection: None

Speed Reduction: Medium

Set Bonus: Wearer is immune to ‘Bleed’

Hazmat Armor


Firearm Protection: Low

Melee Protection: Low

Radiation Protection: Very High

Speed Reduction: Low

Set Bonus: Wearer is completely immune to disease

Steel Armor


Firearm Protection: Medium

Melee Protection: Very High

Radiation Protection: Very Low

Speed Reduction: High

Set Bonus: Wearer is immune to ‘Bleed’

Ghillie Armor


Firearm Protection: Low

Melee Protection: Low

Radiation Protection: Medium

Speed Reduction: None

Set Bonus: Wearer has greatly increased Stealth against all enemies

Raid Armor


Firearm Protection: High

Melee Protection: High

Radiation Protection: Low

Speed Reduction: Low

Set Bonus: Wearer is immune to all flinch and knockback effects

Whisperer’s Armor


Firearm Protection: Medium

Melee Protection: Low

Radiation Protection: Low

Speed Reduction: None

Set Bonus: Wearer makes no noise with melee weapons


Makeshift Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak

Harvest Amount: 1.0x

Melee Damage: Very Low

Impact Volume: Loud

Survivor’s Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak, Pine

Harvest Amount: 1.25x

Melee Damage: Low

Impact Volume: Very Quiet

Roughstone Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak

Harvest Amount: 1.5x

Melee Damage: Very Low

Impact Volume: Loud

Quarrystone Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak, Pine

Harvest Amount: 1.5x

Melee Damage: Low

Impact Volume: Quiet

Steel Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak, Pine

Harvest Amount: 1.7x

Melee Damage: Medium

Impact Volume: Loud

Military Hatchet


Harvest Type: Oak, Pine

Harvest Amount: 1.8x

Melee Damage: Medium

Impact Volume: Very Loud

Makeshift Pickaxe


Harvest Type: Roughstone

Harvest Amount: 1.0x

Melee Damage: Very Low

Impact Volume: Loud

Survivor’s Pickaxe


Harvest Type: Roughstone, Quarrystone

Harvest Amount: 1.25x

Melee Damage: Low

Impact Volume: Very Quiet

Steel Pickaxe


Harvest Type: Roughstone, Quarrystone, Iron

Harvest Amount: 1.5x

Melee Damage: Medium

Impact Volume: Loud

Military Pickaxe


Harvest Type: Roughstone, Quarrystone, Iron

Harvest Amount: 1.7x

Melee Damage: Medium

Impact Volume: Very Loud



Light Level: Low

Durability: Medium

-Light goes out quickly, but can be relit

-Light is omni-directional



Light Level: Low

Durability: High

-Can light fires

-Light is omni-directional

Primitive Torch


Light Level: Medium

Durability: Low

-Light goes out quickly, but can be relit

-Can light fires

-Light is omni-directional

Old Flashlight


Light Level: High

Durability: None

Battery Usage: Medium

-Light faces in direction of the player

Military Flashlight


Light Level: Very High

Durability: None

Battery Usage: High

-Light faces in direction of the player



Light Level: High

Durability: None

-Light is omni-directional

Water holdings-


Tin Can

Water Amount: Very Low

Water Contamination: High

Plastic Bottle

Water Amount: Low

Water Contamination: Medium

Makeshift Canteen (Leather)

Water Amount: Medium

Water Contamination: Medium

Survivor’s Canteen

Water Amount: High

Water Contamination: Low





Sleeping Bag


Supply Signal


Building Plan



Water bucket

Ceiling Light

Cloth sack

Wooden Crate

Metal Crate

Tool cupboard

Raiding Gear:


-Rocket Launcher


-Dynamite stick

-Dynamite bundle

-Sticky explosives

-Hand Grenade

-Flashbang Grenade

-Smoke Grenade

-Choke Grenade

-Frag Grenade


-Campfire (Allows crafting of Cooking Recipes)

-Cooker/Stove (Increased gains from crafting Cooking Recipes)

-Workbench (Allows crafting of Basic Recipes)

-Workshop (Allows crafting of Complex Recipes)

-Pestle (Allows crafting of Alchemy Recipes)

-Press (Increased gains from crafting Alchemy Recipes)

-Smelter (Allows crafting of Ingot Recipes)

-Anvil (Allows the crafting of Tool Recipes)

-Forge (Combines the the Smelter and Anvil and grants increased gains)

  • Refrigerator.

  • Oven.

  • Wooden box.

  • Device for desalination of water.

  • Generator.

  • Shredder.

  • Concrete mixer



-Banana (Restores 60 Hunger over 10 seconds)

-Apple (Restores 40 Hunger and Energy over 10 seconds)

-Orange (Restores 20 Hunger and 50 Energy over 10 seconds)

-Dried Fruit (Restores 15 Hunger over 10 seconds)


-Filthy Water (Restores 40 Thirst over 5 seconds)

-Cleansed Water (Restores 70 Thirst over 5 seconds)

-Filtered Piss (Restores 30 Thirst over 5 seconds)



-Oak Log

-Pine Log

-Roughstone Chunk

-Quarrystone Chunk

-Iron Ore

-Sulfur Ore

-Coal Ore

-Fresh Water

-Salt Water








-Blasting Powder

-Iron Bar

-Steel Bar

Heres the fun part, Heres what our beautiful creation looks like so far:

Some OST music for Boundless: Boundless OST | Awaken Greatness | Original Epic Cinematic Music - YouTube

Some animations for Boundless: Boundless Glock 17 - YouTube

More on the way soon…

Why all of this?

We just wanted to create a cool little portfolio to help showcase our creation to roblox and developers.

Do we needs devs?

This isnt a hiring post if you want to take up a position visit our other devforum post via here: This is now closed and unavaliable

Do you have any competitors?

We do have other big games such as rovive and dust who obviously have worked hard on their games and their games look good but this is all competition and we dont plan to lose.


The main reasons for this portfolio is for recognition and for feedback on our game so far. We want lots of ideas to add and implement in our game to make it more and more unique. Thats why we brought this portfolio to you fellow devs.

I hope you like what you have saw and if you want to join this project or support it then just join up here on our discord: G6vgT7d7wf

I will update this portfolio weekly just for you guys :slight_smile:

  • Joshua (Owner of Monarch Entertainment)

Update version 0.1-

Here is some new things we have done since the last edit we did:


Updated Version 0.2(Updated on the 22nd of January)


Updated version 0.3(Updated 1st of Feburary):


Updated Version 0.4(Updated on the 13th of Feburary):


Thats all for this updated version. More coming soon


Sounds like a front page game. I love the details and huge amount of content. Looking forward to seeing progress!


Ty so much. If you have any feedback or game ideas theres a solid chance it will be implemented in the game.

Have a great day/night.


Heyy, I worked on the last beta version of this project in the past, and the way they’re going they’re going to end up very very well, good luck netflix :wink:

Though I would recommend to change up the blood a bit to prevent roblox from marking it as adult content


Have you ever made past games? And can I see your developers portfolios, If your wondering why I want ton see these its because I really don’t want to work on a game with basic developers.

All of our team is experienced and have at least 1yr+ in experience

We have youtubers like linkmon backing and supporting the game with his team.

You could be a developer for 5+ years and only be able to place a brick down, I’d want to see some past work.


I can show you past work on discord add me at Netflix 2#7244

Sounds like a great concept. It sounds like it will be very successful but if I’m not wrong, isn’t this a recruitment post that goes in #collaboration:recruitment ?

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Ty for the feedback also no i havent asked for any devs and i also never offered job posts. I linked a seperate link if anyone was intrested

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Damn! Those maps are so realistic, it’s like PUBG!
Incredible, I’ll play it when it’s released.

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Ty so much we try our best. Big thanks to Games_Incorporated and Amin_3d for their expert skills in enviromental design

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This reminds me of ARK Survival’s online servers. Great idea but how will you accomplish the “24/7 online servers” part?


Reading your post is actually “behind the scenes” of your new game. The details, models, and needs are actually making sense and that I’m interested in playing the game!

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Ty a lot for supporting and we hope you will enjoy it when it releases.

We will have a server list in which anyone can just click and connect to any server they choose.

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I mean, how do you keep servers running if nobody is in server?

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We would most likely have a moving bot underneath the map which will just keep the servers up.


Ah, OK. I thought this because your post somewhat followed the recruitment template. Looking forward to playing the game.

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