The Blox Shop | A Public Asset Marketplace

Does the buyer get to choose where the funds go to (Girls Who Code/

Your completely correct, our system is designed to prevent scamming. In the rare case it does happen (Website was exploited) we will use our emergency funds which has about 1,000 USD stored in it as of now. If it goes over that amount then Iā€™ll be able to put in some more money. If it goes over 1,000 USD our Legal Team will go after the user and will file against them.

Iā€™ll be honest, I havenā€™t thought about that, but that is a amazing suggestion. Iā€™ll try seeing if I could add that in.

That would be amazing! You could maybe add more websites. Your idea does have potential, however it could use some improving. Please add something that makes it unique and unlike all the other websites. Maybe like statistics/ratings that can be seen and given to a person. Maybe even accounts that can store information. They could add like a bio, what field they work in and showcases.

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Those suggestions are amazing and Iā€™ll try my very best to add them in. Iā€™ll definitely attempt profiles with work, ratings, and showcases.

Isnā€™t this breaking Roblox ToS? It was stated here in Roblox ToS that

You may not transfer, assign, sell, gift, exchange, trade, convert, lease, sublicense, rent, or distribute Robux except through the Service and as expressly permitted by us. Any disposition or attempted disposition of Robux in violation of these Terms will be void and will result in immediate termination of your Account and your license to use Robux. We do not recognize or condone any third-party services that may be used to sell, exchange, transfer, or otherwise dispose of Robux. We do not assume any responsibility for, and will not support, such transactions.

Edit: So the question is did roblox allow your team to set up this website to have a flow of robux?
Edit2: How do you check that the scripts on there do not have viruses?
How would the transaction take place?
Where would the transaction take place?

How do you plan on testing the items being sold? Maybe a script that will recreate maps so buyers can check them out? Maybe a testing arena for gears with some dummies and a script viewer (not copyable) that will let buyers view the script? If I were to buy a map or script, Iā€™d like to look at/test it beforehand. But overall a great service.

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Much easier to avoid getting scammed on HD, all u do is send pics of what u made for them, they pay, u send files. Worst case they donā€™t pay but then u can sell the model to someone else

Thanks for the feedback. We havenā€™t thought about testing that much, but may allow uploading GIFs. By V2 we will have a 3D view feature.

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Roblox does allow the selling of maps for USD and Robux as long as we donā€™t allow converting them. Hidden Developers also does do the same and allow USD/Robux map selling.

The transaction would take place with PayPal at first and later on we will bring in our custom Credit Card Processing system.

I myself have a copy of every file uploaded to the site and can review it if needed. If a script was sold with a virus we would terminate the seller and refund the buyer.

It said you cannot exchange or give robux except through the service and as expressly permitted by Roblox

Roblox has given us permission to allow assets being sold for Robux and I can send a copy of the email as soon as I find it. I will also try to get a final confirmation before we do introduce that feature.

Will non developers have access to this?

We have a similar process. If you are scammed just send us proof within 3 days and we will fully refund you as well as offer a 10% discount on your next purchase.

Not sure what you mean by non-developers. We are allowing any Roblox user to use The Blox Shop and Sell/Buy Roblox Assets as well as Hire people and if you are a member of our Premium membership you can also offer a service. We will have a moderation team and at least one moderator on the site at all times to prevent attacks.

Oh OK sounds good when will this be out or is it out?

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Our goal is to release before October. Our developers are working hard although school has started for them which delayed the release. Also thank you for all the feedback you gave us


Video added! It shows some of the newest updates on the website

This would be good for portfolios and hiring people, cool!


Nice! This is a really good idea! I am also a Web Developer.

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