Hey there,
I am creating a guidance system. I have to be able to make sure that the cars can make the climbs without problems or impediments. How can I overcome gravity? Thanks in advance…
you could have a BodyVelocity constantly applying a downwards force on the vehicle, this would in theory increase traction and make it so the tires have more grip.
How would I calculate the right value for the BodyVelocity?
A simple change I found out which allowed my chassis to climb ramps is to set the friction of the wheels to 1. Turns out the default plastic wheels have a friction of 0.3 thats a surprisingly low amount of grip which you will need like @hockeylover29 has said in order to climb ramps.
Thanks to @x86_architecture for the chassis to learn from I suggest learning from his place which he open sourced
the car can’t climb ramps, also with maximum friction on wheels’ collision part
You need Try giving the car more torque.
it isn’t working too… it seems to be a lot heavy
nvm the problem now is that the car is undriveable
probably I’m calculating torque in a wrong way. How can I get the right value for that.
Give the wheels more torque if your gear is lower.
Change this
that’s the customizable physics for the wheels