Playing my build today and I noticed by creature movement behavior was different from last week… like they aren’t even really moving anymore. I had changed nothing in the script yet the behavior is completely different.
What do you want to achieve?
From today (Feb 4th, 2021), all my NPC with pathfinding scripts can barely move. -
What is the issue?
After debug process, I noticed after “path:ComputeAsync(xxxx)” function, all “Enum.PathStatus.Success” return to false.
What solutions have you tried so far?
I haven’t changed this script for a while, so I think the problems may come from the Roblox engine (maybe).
I think @henberrysodapop have the same/similar issues as mine, and here is his/her post: MoveTo is not working, neither is pathfinding
Has anyone encountered the same situation as me? Is there any solution?
Any help will be appreciated!!!