The "Default" button in Edit Profile Picture does not actually reset your profile picture

This issue occurs on all platforms.

In the Edit Profile Picture screen, there is a button labelled “Default”. Clicking this button does not reset your profile pictures to the default state used on new accounts, instead just setting the sliders to 0. Custom profile pictures have bugs with positioning for R6 avatars, so it is confusing why this button doesn’t reset the camera positioning.

The expected behaviour is that the headshot and body view thumbnails for your avatar are reset to the default state which is used on new accounts, and accounts which haven’t set up a custom profile picture.


For reference, this is the default angle used when you have signed up for a new account (I had to search this one up because my angle cannot be reset due to the issue):

The result is a feature that, once used, cannot be reverted to the original state. I wish I could reset my angle but unfortunately the “Default” button does not reset to the defaults.

Thanks for reading.


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