The DevPanel Event Recording

Hello everyone! Here is a recording of the DevPanel event hosted by @WooleyWool @CJ_Oyer @ChipioIndustries and @hipenguinflip! The DevPanel is an event about development and we were answering questions that you had! We are so happy with the result.

Here is the link to the recording: Youtube Link

Site references during the chat:

We did our best to answer all of the questions, if you have others that we didn’t answer, I highly suggest you DM one of us.

A pleasure to have hosted the event (:


It says the video is still processing.

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unfortunaly You need to download

The video hasn’t been added to YouTube, there’ll be a YouTube link later. Till then, you’ll need to download it.


Kinda inconvenient if someone here has a 32GB boot drive and nothing else.

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Youtube link has been added. Thank you for your patience!

Great event! Definitely recommend watching if you haven’t already.

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Well worth the watch if you’re looking to get into game development, or even learning new skills :smiley: