The endless subway - My Newest Project!

Hello, and thanks for reading! I hit a dry spot in developing my game so I posted this to see how I can improve the quality of the game and add more content. I might also make a little devlog out of it later too. I don’t have any videos or anything yet so here is the link to the game:
[More Stations] the endless subway - Roblox. I personally like it and was playing it for a while (I survived a full 3.6 hours in one run). If you want to comment about my terrible building and art skills (especially for the style of game I’m attempting to go for) then just don’t comment on the subway station with brick walls. That is a test station and will be removed once I add more station types. The subway model is also a test model. Lights are also not really added yet.


Also special thanks to this game, Train Eater 2023 - Roblox and the Train Eater concept for the linked game’s inspiration because that game inspired this game!

About the game and how 2 play

the endless subway is a game where you try to survive in an endless, randomly generated underground subway. There are many things to worry about, such as:

  • Health (so you don’t die)
  • Hunger (so you don’t starve)
  • Hydration (so you don’t die of dehydration)
  • Hygiene (wow a lot of these start with “H” so you are healthy and fast)
  • Immunity (yes I know I drew a radiation icon instead of a biohazard. oops! so you don’t get sick)
  • Stamina (so you can run and stuff)
  • Fuel (so the lights don’t go out, this is an important one!!!)

This game took me about a week of constant working to get the core done and I’ve slowly added on to it since.
Soon it will have more than just one monster. See if you can figure out what the monster is, and if you stay for a little and don’t understand the game concept, you probably will be able to!

Future Plans
  • Oxygen-vent rooms spawn so you can use oxy tanks to keep the oxygen up, if the oxygen goes out, these can also be used individually to gain oxygen.
  • More monsters-more monsters such as a subway disguise monster, similar to the Train Eater, (which inspired the game that this game was inspired off of).
  • Variety-many different station types/templates can generate, the only two in the game right now are the test station and the reinforced station. Some upcoming stations will also have stores, which you’ll see quite soon.

Poll time!

  • Scripting is great!
  • Building is great!
  • GFX and other is great!
  • Scripting is ok!
  • Building is ok!
  • GFX and other is ok!
  • Scripting stinks!
  • Building stinks!
  • GFX and other stinks!

0 voters

And for the overall game:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 0

0 voters

^^0 means 10 I made a slight mistake^^
And for your other potential thoughts:

  • Game will be popular!
  • Unique concept!
  • Game won’t be popular!
  • Not unique concept!
  • The game was engaging!
  • The game was not engaging!

0 voters

If you voted something negative up above, (or like <5 rating) please tell me best how I can improve in the future. Thanks!

Any feedback and suggestions is appreciated, but try to make it constructive.
Thank you for reading this!


I don’t necessarily have too much feedback to share, but I think that the game was quite fun overall.
Although I feel the game did perhaps get a little repetitive in a short amount of time, I can definitely see how this game can gain its fair share of concurrent users.

The whole concept seemed pretty unique to me, and the modeling was pretty good. Though the actual subway train was quite empty and ‘bland’, it of course can be easily detailed, and since I assume this is not a finalized version by any means, there is no need to be critical of less important details.

Overall, the endless subway was a pretty good game from what I saw testing it out for a bit, and I’m sure it could definitely get popular with the proper management and advertisement.


There are some issues that need to be fixed and things that need to be added to the subway trains:

  • New model
  • Train skins
  • More interior (and even variations of them, and seats)
  • You don’t have to sit in a seat or hold on to a pole or else the train leaves you behind anymore. Yay!

Thanks for your feedback!


Hello there! I decided to turn this into a little devlog as well to keep you updated! Here was today’s progress:

I started by learning pathfinding (I didn’t understand it before) and realized it’s not as hard as it looks (or how Roblox makes it look). I made a custom rig for a monster and I’m going to start animating it.


Sir, I always got kicked out from the train. Can you pls fix it??


Ah, sorry about that! Currently, you don’t actually move with the train. You have to sit in a seat (when they’re added) or hold onto a rod so you don’t fall off. I will soon fix this and add a tutorial too. My apologies! This has now been fixed.


Way too much view bobbing when you run. I thought I might have a seizure. Also, maybe touch up the main menu a bit, add some more decorations. Finally, maybe think about using future lighting, add some lights? Sorry for the criticism if its too much. Also, when I get in the subway, when it starts moving I just go through the walls and end up on the track.


Known issue I should’ve fixed with the train. The camera bob was intentional trying to match games like Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha’s camera bob. I agree with the ui in the main menu and will decorate it a little better today. We are in progress of making a new train model. And for the last part, I can’t agree more with my building. I’m alright in some styles but in others (such as realistic and gmod and half life and stuff) I’m just plain terrible. I will try to improve it as much as I can. And Merry Christmas :santa:! (And if you don’t celebrate it, then good day to you and thank you for the feedback!

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Well it has been a while since my last post about my game. I still kind of need some more feedback on how the game is doing. I took a break but started to add some stuff in the last few days.

Here's what I've done:

New station type. Please welcome the new “Supported” station to the game!

Note: this and the reinforced (metal) station look a little odd compared to some of the others because they were models from a game I was trying to make last year about being on a train underground trying to kill a giant earthworm, and so these were scrapped station models.

It is a wooden station, as you can tell.

I added a few new items: Sandwich, Candy Bar, and Footlong

Lunch combo!

After some research, I found some items you’d find in a subway and I added a ton of new decoration props, as shown:

  • 2 Spray paint cans
  • 2 Books (green and blue)
  • Baseball Bat
  • Football
  • Soccer Ball
  • Basketball
  • Tennis Racket
  • Plastic Container
  • Paintbrush
  • Beach Ball
  • Baseball Cap
  • 2 Backpacks
    Backpacks have an actual use (no, not for putting on yet. I will make a custom hotbar along with an inventory and better carry system). Its actual use is to loot, and you’ll get some randomized items.

    This is a backpack being looted.

New item!

No I did not fix the issue where you clip out of the train. oops…

I have been working on train skins too. I have a friend working on a new train model, too. Here is my experimental skin, it still has a few issues.

B O X .

Anyways, that about sums up what I’ve been working on. Thanks for reading! Any feedback is much appreciated.

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Well I’ve done some bug fixes for the most part, here is everything I’ve added:

  • The train properly carries you now. (It welds for now. I spent like 4 hours trying to use AlignPosition to go with the tweening train, and it works but the train goes too fast to keep up, so I’m going to fix that later on. ALIGN POSITION WAS BEING SO BUGGY! my final solution was creating a physics part for each player assigning network ownership to them as well and when entering and exiting the train it would activate the part and use the aligning.)
  • If you die while holding on to a rod the rod no longer breaks. (but still might kill you if you hold onto the rod again for some reason?)
  • The train makes beeping noises depending on the time left before it leaves.
  • The subway track increased from having 8 stations to 25.

Here are my top priorities:

  • Adding stations
  • Adding monsters
  • Custom hotbar
  • Bug fixes

Most of these should be released in a few weeks, hopefully. See you then!

This game is pretty good! Nice job on it!

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Thank you! It’s missing many features and will only get better!

Train Eater and Endless Subway. Which one is your game?? I ask because I’m confuse one game with another.

the endless subway is my game, with Train Eater being my inspiration. I will clarify that!

The game is coming along good so far! The next update I will post here will be a big one!

Sneak peek of a new station:

Also don’t mind the hotbar system rn I don’t quite have an inventory system yet, but soon will.
Expect this along with many new features to release by February 4th (unless I’m lazy and take a break but I’m bored of playing games right now so I probably won’t).

Fixed a bug where you couldn’t pick up items. Sorry!

Hello! I’m back with a new update! This one is pretty exciting, and is released, though not entirely finished.

What I've done:

New station type: Quickstop. Stop by, take a break and rest on one of the nearby benches - there’s plenty!

Need a quick bite? If you’re not unlucky, you will be able to get some food upstairs and eat with your friends. (Sorry the game decided to pull a bloodmoon on me)

There are many places to explore!

I am in progress of a custom hotbar - be sure to report bugs!

Here are the current features:

  • Tap slots or press its hotkey to equip/unequip
  • Hold the mouse or finger down to drag
  • Equipping a backpack gives a 4 & 5 slot

Future plans (released in a couple of weeks at the most):

  • Backpack system if you have a backpack equipped.

Apologies to those on a phone - if you have an iPhone without a home button the exit app button can get in the way, and can be a little small. Don’t worry you will be optimized better soon!

But there’s only one store that can generate :frowning:

What YOU can do :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:
Suggest some stores! I have many I’m about to make, but more ideas can never hurt! I know you’re reading this, just any ideas! They always help in some way!


There are some issues I experienced very early on, and the building style of the game doesn’t lend itself to horror.
Firstly the bugs and oversights.
When you fill all 4 slots and eat an item that now empty slot is considered still full UNLESS you interact with an item while holding an item which is the only work around i’ve found to this bug.
When you’re sitting, you can still drain stamina while holding shift.
The train departs only a few seconds after arriving, there is not enough time to grab items, refuel a generator, and use the bathroom however it takes too long for a train to re-arrive that the game feels either sluggish or too fast paced.

Now for the building and general visuals.
It’s too simplistic and reminiscent of 2014 horror games with the blocky models, the flat materials, and the half life assets sprinkled throughout.
The lighting is not well configured and seems to just be dark for the sake of darkness.

With that all being said, I like this concept and believe it has potential if it just went with a more realistic atmosphere and had some things tweaked and fixed.

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Hotbar is new and still has bugs needed to be fixed. Will add to my bug list, thanks!

If you had time to do all of that the game would be too bouncy. All of the current stations (except Quickstop ohhh that name is ironic which is still pretty small) are “small” sized. These are in the future just quick loots. I sadly have much to work on (trying the make it look decent) and can’t quite finish bigger ones yet, but I’ll eventually get to it.

I absolutely cannot build in the realistic style that I’m going for. My friend is helping me slowly flush out old models with better made ones in blender. Other than that polish is still on its way. I couldn’t agree more, though.

Known bug I forgot about. Will add this to my bug list and fix it asap.

Lighting isn’t fully configured yet. Also if you couldn’t tell yet (you could for sure) I’m not the best builder and GFX designer, more of a scripter. It’ll get to where it needs to be eventually.

As for horror aspects, it’s because of a few reasons

  • Need to do more research into what makes horror games scary.
  • Terrible at making horror games. (Getting better)
  • Features aren’t completely done yet. (There isn’t any monsters yet except for 2)

In a few months most I will have a completed hotbar + inventory, monsters, more scary aspects, etc…
This will be one of those games that take months for good polish and stuff. It’ll probably get a building overhaul eventually. I started this back in November, so it’s been some time, but it will get to where it needs to be.