The future of immersive communication on Roblox

It’s not Roblox’s fault that apple is so bad and has no option to disable it since apple doesn’t have any features at all, just get android instead of getting scammed by apple :sob:

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average age of the player base is actually 17-18+ and quite a few people 40-50+

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Hi Creators,

We have implemented a fix that respects the Do Not Disturb (DND) toggle on iOS on November 16, alongside a fix for Driving Mode (iOS) settings on November 15. This means the DND settings are now being utilized appropriately and in line with CallKit’s best practices.

Please note that as intended by iOS, it is still possible to receive repeated calls while in DND on iOS. To disable this, you may disallow repeated calls in your Focus Settings. Go to Settings , Focus, then choose a Focus — for example, Do Not Disturb, Personal, Sleep, or Work. You can learn more here.

If you have an Android device and want to know what options you have for DND settings, you can learn more here.

We really appreciate your patience as we roll out this fix. Your feedback has been invaluable during this process!

Thank you.


thank :clap: you :clap: for :clap: taking :clap: note :clap: of :clap: this


It is good to see some steps being taken in this direction but my question would be why there is not a privacy option to limit or prevent calls altogether.

I can control privacy in every other aspect of social interaction through my account settings, why is this particular one not also implemented in the same way?

Is there a technical issue that prevents a privacy toggle with tiers similar to existing ones being added at the account level:

Such as:

Allow all calls
Allow calls only from (user_names)
Do not allow calls

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Hi @Noble_Draconian
I totally get it and I’m really sorry the new Audio APIs have taken so long.
The APIs in this announcement focus on the ‘calling’ experience on Roblox, which gives developers new opportunities for communication between players.

Regarding the Audio API, we shared an initial preview at RDC, which will give you what you want for voice chat control and a ton more.

Trust me, this work has been our priority and we are working on the finishing touches for their beta release. Stay tuned!


Im really happy to hear this has been worked on.

Honestly i just wished it was easier to contact roblox staff who can let us know on this stuff more.

It honestly feels like a 20% chance that a question gets answered on the dev forum from a staff member. The only other way of getting a somewhat reliable reply from roblox is through the support page, which most of the time isn’t even a human responding and often just gives us links to stuff that doesn’t ever answer my more specific questions.

I have noticed it has been slowly getting better though and I heavily appreciate that and hope that direction continues.


Can I flee from this bad decision made by Roblox except not having phone number verified?


You can just disable voice chat.


Are there any options for desktop users like me to disable the in-game prompts?


Despite what controversy may be of this as a whole, the decision to allow phone verification to use voice chat was A tier. I probs won’t use vc much but at least I can use it now.


It’s annoying seeing all these next-to-useless features get added while the entries on the Creator Roadmap gather dust.


Hi Raterix,

Other users should not be able to listen to your calls. The Call API provided only allows developers to specify a reserved server (with access code) as the call destination.

If a developer mistakenly teleports a user that is not part of the call to the reserved server, Roblox platform will automatically end the call.

If you are able to reproduce a different behavior using the API than the one outlined above, please reach out to us for further investigation. We appreciate all the help in testing our API.


SocialService SelfView APIs don’t seem to work with the new experience controls.


Does anybody else got this? I’am ID Verified/Phone verified too, I have voice chat and microphone turned on, i have 17+ setting enabled too, but it still doesn’t let me call anybody, it’s just pops up that error. Also it doesn’t work on mobile too.


this is the problem, it’s can’t be disable. You need to delete roblox app from the phone to no one disturb you.

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Getting this issue too here. Worked perfectly when Roblox Connect was first made playable, tried rejoining today and getting this issue.


Right. Every tech company, in order to measure up to their competition is trying to do what every other tech company is doing by doing their own version of everything instead of focusing on their strengths.

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People let’s not forget that Roblox has investors.

Some may like this feature, some think it’s useless, but I think we all forget that Roblox is not just one person or entity and also has many investors.

Some updates and features could be “forced” by other companies that invest a lot of money into Roblox and pay for these things to happen.

A lot of these updates and features are likely being proposed, reviewed, etc by many people, likely have to pass through management and whatnot.

Chances are some Roblox staff (who are also people like us) might not even always agree with every update since they too are on the platform, some of the develop games too.
But I feel like we all don’t always have a choice.

(I’m not an expert, don’t quote me on this, take it with a grain of salt but it’s a thing I’ve learned about huge companies over the years and Roblox is a pretty darn huge and world-wide company with a big platform.
I don’t doubt they have investors and outsiders who want to have a bit of control over the platform as well.)

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When will you eventually continue developing voice chat? Relocating audio, playing with sound effects, making channels, …

Voice chat is so good, I would see bunch of things to do with it if we actually had the bargain to.