The future of immersive communication on Roblox

this comment is so true it ratiod roblox


Please give us an option to disable being called. Iā€™m in class currently and several people from my friends list have called me, leaving me with no choice but to either unfriend majority of my friends list I donā€™t know too well, or to uninstall the Roblox mobile app outright.


Yeah roblox just keeps adding these useless updates that dont really have a point. Itā€™s disappointing, Theyā€™ve been doing so many updates that I never really liked in probably the last 3 years


What would make me communicate in Roblox and not in Discord or any other communication platform?


Roblox doesnā€™t know what to do with roblox anymore so they are just doing stuff that are just completely useless because they dont know what else to do


How come on my phone this feature works perfectly just with quite a bit of lag but on PC this is the error I get


This feature feels like it was primarily built for mobile, even down to calls showing up like an actual phone call. Iā€™m wondering how much use this will get since as far as Iā€™m aware you canā€™t call someone from the app while also being in an experience


Someone please tell me how to turn this off. I have all notifications and calls disabled on my phone. My parents or my friends are unable to call me unless its urgent (multiple calls) yet I can be called by a random person on my friend list who I havent spoken with in months. If I canā€™t find out how to disable it Iā€™m deleting the app.


Why would I ever want to use this? It does what other apps already do but worse. I want to make and play games on Roblox, not talk to my friends which I can already talk to in any other communication app (or by going outside).


making a call feature without a way to disable it or the call screen is crazy


Yeah Iā€™m uninstalling the roblox app. Handles premium through my phone, so Iā€™m not gonna be a premium subscriber anymore either.


must be real nice to spend your money in useless stuff like this instead of using it to empower the developers so they could make cooler stuff right

if I have to remind you: most major game engines has a way to create custom post-processing effects (whether that be with writing GLSL code or creating it visually) and Roblox Studio still does not.

Not to mention, so many basic features such as masking, UI blurring and EVEN UI shadows are not a thing in Roblox Studio, isnā€™t that just ridiculous?

I am disappointed with how much you keep ignoring us


This is way too uncanny for the actual Roblox, Iā€™m not going to lie. :skull:

Why is this so unironically funny, anybody could just call you anytime in school cause you enabled notifications for Roblox and you forgot to turn of DND.


This is a WASTE of SERVICE NAMES that couldā€™ve been used for something else more social like friends list than ā€œcallingā€ and anything else that can conveniently allow developers to requests access from the player to invite more players.

Roblox is not a social media platform, it is a social playing-gathering platform. If anything, people could just call on off-platform social media platforms which is more convenient and within few clicks than having to join a game in order to call on Roblox.

Well, easier player thumbnail access, and RCC or thumbnail render service when??

Calling on Roblox before it releases tools for developers to generate/access thumbnails are crazy ngl.


Oh no, they detect swearing now using AI voice detection?
Surely nothing can go wrong here.

Absolutely awful for autistic people like me who sometimes often swear as a knee-jerk reaction to frustration, fear, sudden surprise or generally being caught off-guard.

I used to think swearing had no benefit and was just me being silly and all until I ALSO learned that it actually has A LOT of social functions and can apparently also be helpful if not done excessively?


I canā€™t wait!

I canā€™t wait for people to start abusing this function to try and engage in personal one on one phone calls to potentially bait/scam children.
I canā€™t wait to see how ROBLOX ignores their users just to boost the value of their market and glazing their shareholders with more of these useful updates.
I canā€™t wait to read all of the positive things every user says to this update.

I canā€™t wait!
But seriously, this is a horrid update. Of the hundred replies to this topic, I have yet to see one positive comment. I have also yet to see any moderator present in this topic, because they probably know the moment they show their activity in this topic, they will get barraged with negative feedback.

Make it make sense, please. Who asked for this? Is Omegle one of your biggest shareholders?


Donā€™t even turn on your microphone for 3 seconds without talking!! Itā€™s harassing!!! (Genuine Moderation Experience)

They shouldā€™ve dug into their moderation before even releasing this feature, but no! Multibillionaire dollar corporation doesnā€™t listen to developers and people who experienced it.


Iā€™m disappointed disappointed disappointedā€¦ 3x disappointed


Same, everybody else is disappointed too, worst part is that roblox doesnt care at all, have you realized how many updates theyā€™ve made that everybody hated, but roblox just doesnt do anything about it. They just dont care for some reason


insert stonetoss burgers meme saying ā€œRoblox?ā€ here

Seriously who is going to use this stuff especially when you have a filter thatā€™s been broken since 2017? I go on Roblox for games, not to virtually chat with people.


is there any new web apiā€™s that come with these changes?