The giftcard item - "Baby Noob Year 2024" uses the wrong accessory type

The Roblox item Baby Noob Year 2024 uses the shoulder accessory type, when the item is clearly a head accessory which could be misleading to owners. The item just needs to be renamed on the accessory type is it from shoulder to head type.

As seen in the photo it sits on your head not your shoulder, this is a quick fix from shoulder to head accessory type.

Link to the item in question - Baby Noob Year 2024 - Roblox

it also even says on here that is a “shoulder” type of accessory

Expected behavior

I’m just expecting it to be switched from shoulder to head, and it’d only take a couple of minutes to just simply fix the type it is.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. By design, we are unable to change the Asset Type of an Accessory once it is released.

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Are you able to switch the item from being on your head to being on your shoulder?

Could this limitation possibly be added to this category’s description, so users won’t report issues like this in the future?

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CC @Hooksmith (off topic, I know)

that’s a better solution than I purposed, not trying to make silly reports like this just was trying to see if I could make a small difference, XD

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I wasn’t calling your report silly; You were justified in reporting this issue because the category’s description didn’t state otherwise at the time. I respect people’s time, so I don’t want to see them waste it.


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