The Hunt Mega Edition is broken

Yeah, support doesn’t help, and if they do, it takes like 4 days to get a response. These are urgent issues.

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I’m genuinely curious what roblox is gonna do with the event
Either they’re gonna do nothing, fix the issues on like the final day, or they fix the issues and give extra time (and perhaps another item cycle since literally nobody knew that they’d cycle out, undoubtably causing a ton of people to lose items)

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I cant get the 8th mega token because, in “A Dusty Trip” regardless of people in the servers (I’ve tried going solo) it mentions over and over that I am “Not worthy” and refuses to spawn in the structure so I can progress. It recognizes that I have the 7th badge but wont spawn in the structure.

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Yup cant even join the chained event to get the mega token bruh