The Inquisitions {Full Game} | Screenshots #2

So I provided more screenshots to my upcoming horror game called “The Inquisition”. The game itself was inspired by the game called “Outlast” by Red Barrels. I am hoping for a feedback about the map that I made. Please tell me if it could do better or if I could add in some new stuff.


-Also, feel free to ask any questions!


I have just a few ideas that could improve what you built so far :slight_smile:

  • Play a bit with lighting, I suggest a low blur, maybe to 4-5? And ColorCorrection, ColorCorrection is very good if you want the place to be darker maybe like in a horror movie but without loosing a lot visibility.

  • In the fourth screenshot you sent (Up-To-Down), I feel like you should try to change the walls textures as the walls look a bit flat.

  • This is optional but I think that you could change the floor of the fourth screenshot and make it look like more 3D than flat, here’s a how you could do it:


Create a simple floor, in this case the material will be wood.


Place a part always made by wood, but I suggest you to change the colour to a lighter one.


Duplicate it and place the various parts this way:


Do the same thing as before, but this time change position, it should look like this:


Last step, duplicate all of those part and change the position of the duplicate ones, the final product should look like this:

I hope this was helpful.


Thanks I look forward to trying what you demonstrated! :slight_smile: