The latest Roblox update broke trails making them not appear or appear weirdly


After the latest Roblox update (release 641), trails seems to have broke. They would either appear invisible on Windows PCs or broken on Mac and IOS. They work fine for the time being on Android since it didn’t receive the 641 update yet. You can notice the issue on the game Granny, a blue trail effect is meant to appear above a player or an enemy head when they get stunned by a weapon in the game, but after 641 update got released, they would not appear at all on Windows devices and would appear weirdly on IOS and Mac devices.

This how trails appear on Mac and IOS:-

This is how they appear on Windows PCs:-

This is how they currently appear on Android devices:-



Yeah they’re broken for me too, I don’t know why this has happened but I really hope it gets fixed soon.

Same for me, sadly. I noticed it when the gun effects in my game did not appear.

Thanks for the report! The team is taking a look.

Hi all,

We’ve identified the problem and are working on a fix. We will provide an update in this thread when the fix is available!

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@Rxbb1e @trolled_empyrean would you be able to share any test cases demonstrating the issue with me over a DM?

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A fix for this issue should be rolling out now. Thank you for the reports!

I worked around this issue by setting the trail lightinfluence to .01 instead of 0 (if you don’t want to wait for the fix)

this only seems to affect textured trails with a ‘transparent png’ image texture. (with alpha channel transparency?)

Appreciate the quick addressing of this issue, I can confirm the issue is no longer appearing now, and trails work correctly as they were before.