The Mayhem Syndicate :|: Ape Regiment Handbook

TMS: Ape Regiment Handbook

Points and Ranking System
At the end of each training or raid, members gain 1, 2 or 3 points depending on performance to be added to the Trello.
If you reach the required amount of points for Lieutenant, General or Admiral you will receive a notification granting you access to attempt the evaluation.

Standard Rules
All rules in The Mayhem Syndicate handbook apply here.

Points Required: 10 Points

  • Ability to request KoS orders from General+


  • Successfully complete the PBSTAC gamma obby in 150 seconds or less
  • Successfully complete of either the Vortex of Rage in under 300 seconds OR complete Wall Wraps in under 150 seconds.
  • Given a quiz of 10 questions regarding protocols and core mechanics, answer at least 7 correctly
  • Commander+ Consensus

Points Required: 40 Points
Obtainable for Operative+ In TMS:

  • Issue server KoS orders
    NOTE: You are absolutely not allowed to issue KoS unless you are an Captain or above in TMS.


  • Given 8 questions about specific core situations, answer at least 6 correctly
  • Be put in a position at PBCC, You must call for a KoS order at the appropriate time.
  • Commander+ Consensus

Points Required: 70 Points

  • Override KoS orders
  • Host raids for 1-3 points
  • Restrict rooms
    NOTE: You are absolutely not allowed to override KoS or restrict rooms unless you are an Operative+ in TMS.


  • Successfully complete wall climb in under 20 seconds
  • Fight the evaluating instructor 5 times. You may choose if you want to do swords or guns for the first 2 rounds. The last round will be what you didn’t choose.
  • Commander+ consensus. If you pass the fights but fail consensus, you will not be able to re-evaluate unless invited.

Passing vote of 80% from all current Commanders+

Approved by the TMS: Ape Regiment Administration
We are an UNOFFICIAL Division.
Last updated 4/24/2020

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