The Mystery of Duvall Drive: A Vistech Showcase

The build is really cool! I love how the trees move in the wind—very impressive! I also love the rain outside; it really made me feel like I was in the PNW :laughing:. Just curious, how did the dev team land on Duvall as the destination? That was a nice surprise! :smile:

@RBLXImagineer Are these assets free to the public domain? Am I allowed to use some of the models and particles for my own use. Not reselling them of course, but is it okay to use some of the models and whatnot in my game without monetizing them?

This is truly amazing, I’m so proud of roblox and the team behind this. Amazing work! Amazing story.
I couldn’t believe this is roblox.

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Really impressive how much stronger and capable the Roblox engine is becoming, I forgot i was playing a showcase during my session on this expierence. Great stuff.

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Yes, there are kind of quests for each of the items in the center circle around that orb in the foyer.

It takes a while to find and finish them all, but helped someone finish it.

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I don’t know but:

Main reason I asked is because of the particles and sounds. I cannot make either myself and they’ve done an excellent job.

Well, I doubt you will have access to the sounds. I would assume the particles are fair to use since they said you can use these assets.

The sounds have to be owned or shared as free sounds by roblox, idk if they were included because I got some errors about missing sound files when I opened it in studio.

i dont really see the point…

so this game is basically made to show off the power of the roblox engine… alright, but what makes it funny is it runs like crap

i didnt join roblox because the games were really high quality or the engine was extremely powerful, i joined because of the social aspect, the quantity of games, the fact that theyre all user made, and the free, relatively easy dev tools.

this is like if nintendo released a free eshop game to show off how powerful the 3ds was… but it ran at 20 frames in 2d, often dropped to 10, took too long to fully load in, and wasnt all that impressive anyways.

if i wanted to be impressed by graphics id play a modern aaa game. if i wanted to use roblox, id use roblox.


Seriously looks like groundbreaking material.

To anyone who does want to use some of the assets from this game, I suggest making sure they’re all as performant as possible. Sometimes there are redundant MeshParts, or objects with weird collisions. For example some of the rock pillars, which are just beveled blocks, have default collision, when they should have box.

When the asset packs are released, I’ll go through it and optimize them all, as well as compressing their textures, if that hasn’t been done already.

Are all the textures/meshes copyright free? I’d like to use some of em without worrying about that.

Very nice showcase, I love it! But I am confused how to open the “corrupted” doors? Is there a key?

Just to clear up usage of assets in the demo :

Everything in the demo is free use, including vfx, sounds, meshes, systems we built. All of it!

Beyond the other reasons for building this listed, one was to give you starting assets.

Endorsed models are almost done and we will update everyone, but in the meantime you can copy the place file and use all the assets in your own experiences!

Have fun and create some amazing stuff!


It works fine on my pc which is a gaming laptop (not too expensive)

How about the endorsed models for Beyond the Dark: A Vistech Showcase ?

Yep, all content we put into this demo is free to use!

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We are looking at that pack now and determining what makes sense to make an endorsed model pack!


The amount of detail on this thrilling showcase is crazy!

10/10. I love this experience, just that I’m running 30fps…

Hi Everyone

As promised, we have released several endorsed packs, including furniture, props and materials we used in the experience. These can be used in your own experiences and games as you see fit!

House Furnishing Pack - Contains furniture to fill out your house.

House Props Pack - Contains items to decorate your house.

Landscaping Pack - This pack contains landscaping items for the exterior of a house.

Material Variants Pack - This pack can be used to create new materials for use on parts and terrain to customize your experience. They can also be used to override the Studio default materials.

We are also working on the same packs for “Beyond the Dark”, which will be released in the near future.

Also, feel free to share any updates on how you used these packs in your own experiences here. It’s always great to see what creations the community comes up with.



that took longer than it needed too :sob:

very good game ran at a stable 20fps !

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