The new CoreGui is a downgrade

I literally made a DevForum post about how I can make TopBarPlus look seamless with GUI because right now it looks awful together.

So this update released for some users already and it is less than ideal:

For simplicity, I will refer to the “cube icon’s” menu as the “collapsible” during this post.

Yes, these should be filed as bug reports however I also want to address these here because in all honesty they will likely take months to be resolved as a bug report… Plus, these did make it into the production level code-base and are active right now. Who knows, maybe some of them are somehow intended?

  1. Two beta badges?
    Appears that both the “cube icon” and Roblox icon has received their own “beta” disclaimer, leading to overlap on the UI.

  2. Microphone icon just appears?
    Can’t get a screenshot of this one but it appears that the microphone icon isn’t always present when first opening the collapsible, appears to occur randomly and when it does; the microphone icon will quickly jump into the collapsible after a small length of time of having it open Edit: it can take multiple minutes for it to appear sometimes. This appears to happen more frequently on your first time of opening the menu.

  3. Flickering emote icon?
    The emote options will quickly disable and re-enable itself upon death; this appears to be done since your character does not exist at all for a short length of time during respawn, however this split flicker of the option is really annoying from a player’s POV.

These appear to be intentional design choices of the new CoreGui that I’m not too fond of…

  1. The MRU
    While I agree that there needs to be some way to hide the options that a player will not end up using, the current system seemingly doesn’t allow you to move options back so that they are solely in the MRU again. This is disappointing since once I select an option, it then gets permanently placed on my top bar with no way for me to remove it without re-joining.

  2. Report button
    For context, I mean the “Report” button that places itself inside the collapsible; not the one in the Escape menu. It takes the exact same number of clicks to reach the report menu from the button in the collapsible as to the tab in the Escape menu! This means that the “Report” button being in the collapsible adds literally no purpose other than being an extra icon. It is also the only icon which can’t be removed under any circumstances which is annoying for UI-based experiences. Also, why do we need this to be a collapsible if there is only one option?

  3. Massive gap on the leaderboard
    Not sure if this is necessarily a bug so to be safe I’ll treat it as a feature for now. Because the “…” icon was removed, the player list is now misaligned as it still takes account for inset. Ideally we should be given the option to align it upwards, emphasis on the option here; we should not have it forced up as it may conflict with UI that some developers have placed in that area.

Don’t get me wrong, there are quite a few things that I do like about this update; for example, one being the addition of the microphone icon to the top bar. I also truly believe that the team behind this feature had developers’ best interests at heart while making it, which can be seen by the fact that many changes were made since this topic. (the button is on the left now! :tada:) However, I do believe that in this case the feature just didn’t quite hit the mark unfortunately. :frowning_face:


whats going to happen to topbar plus

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I believe that they mentioned that they’re adding developer APIs in the future to add buttons to it, hence why the MRU exists but I agree with your point about moving or hiding them back (and it’ll only get worse when developer items get added)

Honestly, I don’t get why they keep breaking what isn’t broken.

I don’t mean to be this person but I remember when the hamburger coregui topbar was here and I honestly prefer that over all other new iterations we have gotten since.

I hate logos especially ugly-looking ones and constantly having one in the corner of my game as a giant watermark is just aggravating. Now, making that button larger and more ugly is just annoying.


Nothing. The Developer is inactive and most likely wont do anything.

Switch to UIShelf


Hey the link is not working is it still available?

Roblox recently made all links that used to point to the library (Basically old marketplace) to break and not work anymore thus it just redirects to the modern site making this link broken.

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The redirects to the create site should not break links. If you’re getting a dead link the referenced asset was likely deleted by the owner.

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This happens with offsale assets that haven’t been archived by the owner. Is this intended? The old library did not do this.

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It also seems to occur if the asset was not marked as Distribute to Marketplace. Is this part of the new asset privacy update?

This is literally my worst nightmare.

The menu UI is around quadruple the size as the last one, and is absolutely the worst pain ever to work with when making full screen UI’s inside of Roblox :sob: . I am convinced there hasn’t been a good update on roblox in around 2 years that was actually appreciated by the community.


I am convinced Roblox wants to watermark our games on top of stealing 70% of revenue from us.

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I feel like one of the biggest pitfalls this new UI stuff falls into is expecting that all games will have the mouse free to move around at all times, not taking things like firstperson shooters and thirdperson games with a locked cursor into account. The whole collapsible menu is rendered completely useless in that kind of game.

The capture button, the leaderboard and the camera face thing that you can enable in the settings have the same problems and can break immersion instead of enhancing it, making these features feel tacked on and unfinished.


The core gui looks like it’s 2.5x larger.

This change alone has decimated the amount of space i can use for my game on mobile. I have to do some serious redesign to make it work.

We should have the option to disable the secondary core gui button as it is useless in most of my games.


Why does it have to be bigger? The buttons for it don’t need to be that big. it takes up more screen size than the previous.


I totally agree,the new ui is just unpractical and not that user friendly like the old one,they should have added an option to revert it back to “Legacy” or something like that.
They removed the Developer Stats for the daily,weekly,monthly visits with an excuse that it wasnt accurate,but that wasnt the real reason,and now this!!
It really feels like this is the start of the fall of Roblox,mark my words!!
Maybe its still not too late,but we need to post in here!!

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This seriously does not look right


everything else is right, except performance, the roblox menu takes 3 seconds to open.

Roblox need to fix this horrible UI… I don’t want 2 huge buttons in my screen when I have ALL CoreGUI disabled… What is the point of having Enum.CoreGuiType.SelfView, Enum.CoreGuiType.Capture and Enum.CoreGuiType.EmotesMenu if we can’t disable the huge menu button with these buttons inside of it???



(sorry for bump after 1 month but this UI update is so dumb and I have to share…)