The new CoreGui is a downgrade

There is a theme for TopBarPlus already for the new top bar. Here’s the link: NewUI [updated] - Roblox

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Although I barely read much of the post, I agree with it being a downgrade, I think it looks awful and is in the way for your own UIs.

Roblox releases both good and bad updates, however for a hot minute or years, it has been a lot of bad updates (in my opinion), especially for the community/player part of the game, not that much on the developer part :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah yeah, I am just complaining however I wish that roblox would be more similar to the way it was a few years back, let’s say around 2019, when robux still was R$ and buildersclub was buildersclub and not freaking “premium” (like any other website) :sob:

Even though I am relatively new to the platform (been here since february 2017), I still very much dislike what the platform has become, sure, roblox is getting more young people onto the platform, I am not saying that it is bad or anything, however, the platform is not safe for small children (<13), you know that.

I could accept UGC as it was in the beginning, however it has gone too far, the UGC market is freaked, the economics are freaked (just like where I live irl), collectables should never have been a thing, dynamic heads looks bad and are scary and should not be replacing our beloved 2D faces, when using 3D clothing you do not put 3D clothing onto your avatar, you become the 3D clothing as it takes up so much space.

Please roblox, don’t call the og clothes “classic clothing”, just call them clothing (like it used to) and call 3D clothes “3D clothing”.

I know that they would never reverse any of their bigger updates, however only to reverse the robux icon back to R$ and premium back to buildersclub (also stopping the creation of any new ugc collectables) would make such a huge different, at least for me.

this will most likely be removed for off-topic however roblox really are digging a grave for themself and their players who been on the platform for at least a couple of years (~4+)

Personally, I’d much prefer if Roblox would just resize the game-view, and create a proper topbar; as it’s my belief that developers should own the entirety of their game’s screenspace, without having to worry about future Core UI updates clashing with their existing designs.

If Roblox intends to preserve their strict stance against 3rd party clients, it would be in everyone’s best interest to ensure that the official interface remains unintrusive. This whole approach of trying to seamlessly force Core UI elements into developers’ games, while simultaneously upholding those menus as immutably sacred, has been flawed from its inception, and does not work. Ideally, Core UI (the subset of Roblox UI which cannot be altered) should be entirely distinctive from developer UI–the two scarcely in interference.


Don’t know about you, but the NEW icons are super visible and they will burn into my OLED display guaranteed, although there is a purpose for mobile devices to have these UI Buttons that lead to the menu, why not just add a white Roblox icon with a drop shadow top left that is tiny but visible so you can still see your screen.

Now for PC this is a different story, there is no purpose served for these buttons are people already use ESC and Tab keys because let’s be real here, we all have keyboards. I would also like to note that all the games I PLAY lock my mouse in the middle so I can’t even click them. Purpose is laughable there, I want to stress the fact I don’t want this removed for developers who still want the top bar for their game but mainly allow some developers to hide it if they please to.

Especially since the padding is also UNEVEN WHICH ANNOYS ME TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!

If you have other points to add, please DM me first before hitting reply so we can debate there :slight_smile:

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Personally I do enjoy this new UI, looks clean and modern and I like the little live view of your avatar.


This UI is very buggy. The inset system is really messed up which does mess with custom topbar ui. And some button placements don’t make sense.

A personal gripe of mine is that the chat toggle is so far away from the chat window, and having a wide-screen monitor makes it worse.

Adding on to my critism with the absolutely cumbersome menu, I hate how you have to click alot just to get through some stuff like showing and hiding the leaderboard.

The UI is also odd with the padding but that’s a small issue I really don’t notice too much.

Since this is a beta after all, I do hope the final product fixes the weird inconsistencies with the inset stuff.

I already developed a module that replicates behavior like tooltips and menus 1:1, not sure if forever hd plans to support those

I completely agree. I honestly think it looks much worse than the previous CoreGUI, or even the one used before that. It seems that yet again, Roblox is letting mobile hold them back.

ForeverHD went inactive a while ago, not sure when will he come back again but the probability of TB+ getting updated is not high.


this is what i hate the most about new CoreGui, the chat toggle is placed in THE LEAST CONVINIENT PLACE A HUMAN COULD EVER IMAGINE.


The new roblox ui should be revoked, you can disable it in beta features.

even if they fix all the bugs and stuff, I’ll still dislike because it looks bad lol


This is true. As for why, he told me he’s taking time off from software development because of other interests that started working out. It is unknown on when he will come back.

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if you use Bloxstrap. you can enable this feature on the client

Bruh… This is even worse topbar… Keep it how it is.


I literally made a DevForum post about how I can make TopBarPlus look seamless with GUI because right now it looks awful together.

So this update released for some users already and it is less than ideal:

For simplicity, I will refer to the “cube icon’s” menu as the “collapsible” during this post.

Yes, these should be filed as bug reports however I also want to address these here because in all honesty they will likely take months to be resolved as a bug report… Plus, these did make it into the production level code-base and are active right now. Who knows, maybe some of them are somehow intended?

  1. Two beta badges?
    Appears that both the “cube icon” and Roblox icon has received their own “beta” disclaimer, leading to overlap on the UI.

  2. Microphone icon just appears?
    Can’t get a screenshot of this one but it appears that the microphone icon isn’t always present when first opening the collapsible, appears to occur randomly and when it does; the microphone icon will quickly jump into the collapsible after a small length of time of having it open Edit: it can take multiple minutes for it to appear sometimes. This appears to happen more frequently on your first time of opening the menu.

  3. Flickering emote icon?
    The emote options will quickly disable and re-enable itself upon death; this appears to be done since your character does not exist at all for a short length of time during respawn, however this split flicker of the option is really annoying from a player’s POV.

These appear to be intentional design choices of the new CoreGui that I’m not too fond of…

  1. The MRU
    While I agree that there needs to be some way to hide the options that a player will not end up using, the current system seemingly doesn’t allow you to move options back so that they are solely in the MRU again. This is disappointing since once I select an option, it then gets permanently placed on my top bar with no way for me to remove it without re-joining.

  2. Report button
    For context, I mean the “Report” button that places itself inside the collapsible; not the one in the Escape menu. It takes the exact same number of clicks to reach the report menu from the button in the collapsible as to the tab in the Escape menu! This means that the “Report” button being in the collapsible adds literally no purpose other than being an extra icon. It is also the only icon which can’t be removed under any circumstances which is annoying for UI-based experiences. Also, why do we need this to be a collapsible if there is only one option?

  3. Massive gap on the leaderboard
    Not sure if this is necessarily a bug so to be safe I’ll treat it as a feature for now. Because the “…” icon was removed, the player list is now misaligned as it still takes account for inset. Ideally we should be given the option to align it upwards, emphasis on the option here; we should not have it forced up as it may conflict with UI that some developers have placed in that area.

Don’t get me wrong, there are quite a few things that I do like about this update; for example, one being the addition of the microphone icon to the top bar. I also truly believe that the team behind this feature had developers’ best interests at heart while making it, which can be seen by the fact that many changes were made since this topic. (the button is on the left now! :tada:) However, I do believe that in this case the feature just didn’t quite hit the mark unfortunately. :frowning_face:


whats going to happen to topbar plus

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I believe that they mentioned that they’re adding developer APIs in the future to add buttons to it, hence why the MRU exists but I agree with your point about moving or hiding them back (and it’ll only get worse when developer items get added)

Honestly, I don’t get why they keep breaking what isn’t broken.

I don’t mean to be this person but I remember when the hamburger coregui topbar was here and I honestly prefer that over all other new iterations we have gotten since.

I hate logos especially ugly-looking ones and constantly having one in the corner of my game as a giant watermark is just aggravating. Now, making that button larger and more ugly is just annoying.