Introducing the greatest plugin ever created, the Pipe Placer Plugin!
This plugin makes placing pipes easy. Adjust the color, material, size, and details of the tubing. Pipes automatically snap to angles so everything lines up. One click, one pipe. Now you can build that oil refinery in record time!
Here is the promotional video:
And a few screen shots:
And of course, the plugin itself:
UPDATE, Dec 29, 2020:
Added a 3D cursor to preview where the pipe will be placed before the first click
This is a really great plugin, although I did have some difficulty stopping with the pope creation. Other than that, amazing plugin, I recommend it 100%!
This is the greatest plugin trailer I’ve ever seen. It’s also a pretty great plugin. I did happen to notice that the dark theme doesn’t apply to anything except the diameter slider background:
Other than that, good stuff! I’ll definitely be using this.
I absolutely love the plugin, but I think there needs to be a visualization of where the pipe will be placed before you click… I spent a few minutes trying to get a pipe on center because it kept going into the wall, or came out too far.
Are there any plans to add this or make other QoL changes in the future?