Completely agree with this post!
I hope the said classic faces come back!
i put it here because i thought it would get attention or idk I’m not the big mighty lord of the devforum
Really need this I missed out on some of these faces, dynamic faces failed so miserably
It would also be great if the Classic Heads went back on sale. Roblox never really gave a reason when they took them off sale randomly back in 2017. I see no reason why they should not be on sale.
Based on what Greg said in this AMA, it’s clear that Roblox wants to let users have control over whether heads are static or dynamic. So I’m not sure why classic faces should be left offsale if this toggle would be added in the future.
The versatile approach for this update would be to let players buy classic faces, and decide whether they’d like to have them dynamic or not, and vice versa. This would allow for players to explore the dynamic heads feature, while not being limited in what style they’re going for.
That is a good point. Putting classic faces off sale and limiting you to dynamic only limits your customization possibilities.
I think, eventually, their plan is to make it so you can buy the dynamic head and switch it between dynamic and static via a switch or button.
I could be completely wrong on this, but I remember seeing it somewhere.
I believe it was featured in a Twitter post alongside early concepts of accessory adjustment. Either way, I don’t think this means that the classic versions of these faces should go offsale, I think people should be able to buy them from either page. Especially since Dynamic Heads aren’t currently supported in all head shapes.
The thing is that it was showcased around July 2023 (give or take) and ROBLOX probably stopped converting classic faces into dynamic heads sometime before this point, so we don’t really know when they’re going to continue them. Also we only got some leaked dynamic head assets for other classic faces, but they never came out.
I remember on Discord you showed me a lot of dynamic heads that were supposedly coming out soon to replace more faces and they never did. This proves my point that dynamic heads failed.
I believe that was supposed to come out in 2024.
Which classic heads are you referring to?
Old heads like ROXBOX, Diamond head, pea brain I assume.
This has to be the most misused category in the history of the forums
Also, there’s already a feature request for this
Ideally we’ll be able to get both types of faces
that will make pged accounts abuse their children
Or they could pack the classic face with the dynamic head its based on? It would seem logical and very user friendly, The heads also use a similar layout out to body packages so it would seem easy to just put the face with it.
Yeah either way, I’d just like for Roblox to allow accessibility for faces, players shouldn’t be forced to use Dynamic Heads if they want people to choose between static or dynamic
it also doesn’t help that some emoticon faces that were turned into dynamic heads literally look the same as their classic counterpart when used in R6.