The Robloxian General Hospital | Promotion Information

Welcome to The Robloxian General Hospital community promotion information portal!

TRGH Information and Scheduled Events:

Community Rules:
Coming soon!

Employee Code of Conduct:
  1. Professionalism

Professionalism is required at all times while visiting TRGH premises. We value honesty and respect from all of our patients and staff. You are required to handle all issues that may arise in a professional and polite manner, no matter what rank it is occuring with.

  1. Work performance

You are expected to be working while at TRGH games. Slacking is not a tolerated act and you will be suspended for doing so. Please make sure that you are treating to the best of your ability while visiting TRGH.

  1. Respect & Decency

You are expected to respect all members of TRGH, no matter their rank. Our MR+ treat you with the utmost respect, LRs are expected to return the respect. You must also hold yourself accountable for your actions and how you deal with them. Any disrespect will result in a suspension.

  1. Grammar

Grammar is expected to be used at all times when in public. Grammar must also be used in the #staff discord channel. The only places where you do not need to use grammar are MR+ discord channels, #community, and in whisper/PM chat with your friends.

  1. Honesty

Honesty is expected at all times, you are to hold yourself to a standard, and own up for your mistakes. We understand that everyone makes mistakes, which is why we accept honesty and are happy to move on from them if honesty is applied.

  1. Dedication

Dedication is required at all times within all aspects of TRGH, you are expected to always be dedicated to everything you do here and, trying to achieve things without dedication will not work and will not be respected.

  1. Loyalty

Loyalty is expected here at TRGH, joining blacklisted groups, being toxic about TRGH in other platforms, and not staying loyal is not accepted and will result in punishment.

How do I become a member of staff here?

The lowest rank that can be earned here to be a member of staff is [3] Receptionist. This rank can be obtained by passing an initial interview, at a scheduled interview session.

Interviews are held at the following times:
Monday to Thursday | 8:00 AM | 2:00 PM | 11:00 PM

Friday to Sunday | 6:00 AM | 12:00 PM | 6:00 PM

Please note, all session times are based on the Eastern Standard Timezone (EST).

How do I get promoted?
Upon passing your interview, you will have access to attend our training sessions. Training’s are a spectacular way of gaining experience in this field of work, developing fundamental skills which are needed in this community.

By attending a training, you will be taught the relevant information for the rank of which you obtain. Should you meet our requirements, you will be able to progress up the rank stages.

As a [3] Receptionist, you need to pass ONE training! Upon passing this introductory training, you will be promoted to [4] Registered Nurse.
Similar to the previous rank, you would be required to complete and pass one training to obtain the following rank, [5] Nurse’s in Charge! Upon gaining this rank, you will have access to independently treat minor case Patients who require non-surgical diagnosing and treatment.

Following on from [5] Nurse’s in Charge, you are required to complete two training’s at that rank to achieve the next rank, [6] Doctor’s Assistant!
Furthermore, you would be required to pass another two training’s to obtain the following rank, [7] Medical Doctor!

Approaching the final lower ranks, to obtain the rank of [8] Surgeon, you are required to complete THREE training’s! At this rank, you will be introduced to speciality surgical topics and demonstrations, helping gain further experience in an abundance of surgical specialities. The specialities rotate weekly, so there will always be new topics to learn!

In order to receive the final lower rank, [9] Head of Doctor’s, you are required be frequently active at the Hospital, whilst attending frequent training sessions. You must be hand picked by our Management to be promoted to [9], along with completing an Interview Certification Training, arranged on the day of promotion.

Being a [9] Head of Doctor’s, this gives you access to participate in many aspects of The Robloxian General Hospital, including assisting at our daily scheduled interview sessions. You are of course expected to know how to interview prior to attending. All information is in our communications server. Furthermore, you are able to apply for our Supervisor in Training Internship, which takes place every two weeks.


[3] Receptionist
The rank of Receptionist is the lowest staff rank achievable in this group. Receptionists may work at reception until attending a training. Upon passing a training, you will have access to the back of our hospital, assisting with treating various medical emergencies.

[4] Registered Nurse
Registered Nurses may work in the back area to help treat simple/non-life threatening cases. Anything you don’t know how to treat should not be treated by you.

[5] Nurses In Charge / [6] Doctor’s Assistant
Nurse in Charges and Doctor’s Assistants may work in the back area of the hospital as well. You are able to treat more serious, non-surgical procedures for your patient(s).

[7] Medical Doctor - [8] Surgeon
Medical Doctors and Surgeons may work in the back as well as the OR areas to help patients with conditions that require surgery as well as simple cases 3-6 may need help with.

[9] Head of Doctors
Head of doctors may work in the back to treat most cases as well as help any other rank below them if needed. Head of doctors is the highest rank you can get within training and is the last rank before MR ranks

[T] Supervisor In Training
MR Internships are a privilege for our [9] Head of Doctors who show leadership qualities as well as exceptional professionalism and knowledge. You will be permitted to be an MR in training for two weeks before returning back to your rank as a [9] Head of Doctors. You can apply every 2 weeks after your last MR+ ended and this is not always promised to be accepted. More information is given to 9’s in their staff channel in the Main discord.

Middle Ranks
[10] Supervisor
Rank 10’s are the first MR rank, the job of a rank 10 is to continue participating in shifts, training’s, and interviews but with a further leadership role. Supervisors may host shifts and assist within training’s, by training the LR’s.

[11] Staff Management Team
Staff management team have a very similar role to supervisors, they are to continue in hosting shifts and helping within training and interviews. Rank 11’s have access to ranking LR’s, 11’s are trusted here within TRGH which gives them to capability to use the ranking tools.

[12] Chief Physician
Chief Physician is the last MR rank, this rank is very trusted, and they have the capabilities to host Interviews. They are to continue hosting shifts and assisting in trainings.

High Ranks

[13] Executive Assistant - [14] Executive Management
Executive Assistant and Executive Management are HR ranks, these ranks can host trainings, shifts and interviews. These ranks have more of a hosting role within TRGH, and are expected to do so very often. These ranks also have a disciplinary aspect, and are expected to teach and discipline the LR’s and MR’s.

[15] Executive Team
This rank is for Board members. They have to make sure that things are running within TRGH, each person runs a different department. The departments are; Public Relations, Human Resources, Operations, and Medical Operations. Every person is responsible to actively lead their department and help better TRGH.

Super High Ranks

[16] Executive Assistant Director - [17] Executive Director
Both the Executive Assistant Director & Executive Director are in charge of managing all staff members and ensuring that the Board members are actively improving the environment.

[-] Assistant Director - [-] Director
Manages all staff members and ensures that the Board members are actively improving the environment. Works with the other SHRs in Operations.

[X] Staff Overseer
Assists the higher ranks with tasks pertaining to SHR’s, HR’s, and MR’s. In charge of the day-to-day running of the group, TRGH’s overall practice, management, and operations. Oversees all members of staff; LRs, MRs, HRs, and SHRs.

[-] Managing Partner - [-] Proprietor
Assists the King and co-owner with tasks pertaining to SHR’s, HR’s, and MR’s. Takes on responsibility and duties when the Co-Owner and King are unable to.

[X] Co-Owner
Co-owns The Robloxian General Hospital. Assists the King with tasks pertaining to SHR’s, HR’s, and MR’s.

[X] King - [X] Owner
Owner of The Robloxian General Hospital. The king has ultimate authority and may act or may delegate members of leadership to oversee areas of the Community.

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