The RootJoint Disappears when I run or play the game

I am working on a map for my Classical Pistol Game mission and was making this NPC to play an animation. and then out of no where, the NPC started randomly falling, its HumanoidRootPart was anchored so it was really strange until I found that it kept disconnecting the RootJoint, I even removed the scripts inside of it and still kept disconnecting the RootJoint. And it wasn’t playing the animation at all! I have at least looked around the developer hub to find some solution but I haven’t found any at all that was helpful to fix this.

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you! I have no Idea how to fix this and already tried making another rig and didn’t work.

Here is a video of my issue.

I have no clue if this is either normal or a bug. But for people that know rigging, how can i fix this?