The Terrain Brush Should Not Turn Invisible When It's Underwater and Vice Versa

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to do any terrain work with brushes when I can’t always see the brush itself.

The TerrainBrushCursorPart becomes invisible when the brush is under water and the camera is over the water.

The TerrainBrushCursorPart also becomes invisible when the brush is over the water and the camera is underwater.

The tool still does it’s job but it doesn’t show where the brush is.


  • Having to constantly move the camera around
  • Inaccuracy because I don’t know where the brush is
  • In areas with a thin layer of water, moving the camera is almost impossible, and having to use sea level/the replace tool to constantly evaporate/fill in water is unnecessary.

Video showcasing issue:

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to see brushes underwater without having to look underwater, and I would be able to see brushes above water while the camera is in water.


That happens because transparent parts don’t render behind objects with refraction, which includes both water and glass because they have the same refraction effect.