Respected Credits
@NotBluxyl (blu) - Owner
@lsol_ation (lsol_ation) - Former Builder
@MiniArrt (Mini) - Tester
@NeverEndingEnder6 (Cylinder) - Tester
@aqixxy (aqx) - Tester
@creeperman328 (Cloaker) - Facility Models
@guest59093 (Ph4ntomX) - AI
Credit to all UGC and models used.
- Not all assets are created by us.
- Credit will be given at your statement.
- If you have assets we have used and wanted gone, we will remove it at your service.
- All sounds were used from the ROBLOX Library. One sound is created by us and paid fully.
- This is a solo development, led by the owner, @NotBluxyl.