There's a new Robux icon!

I’m going to sound like a broken record here, but the new design doesn’t exactly scream Robux to me. Robux seems to imply Roblox-Bucks. A buck (in terms of US Currency) is a dollar. It’s typically in paper money, but we usually just add the $ to it.

This new design seems more like a Rocoin or a Rogem, as they more resemble coins or gems. I do not think its a bad design. It’s a pretty nice design, but I do see it as odd.

But perhaps I am simply just more accustomed to the old design. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I wonder if robux will keep the same name in the future


I think they should have released this new icon along with a new name instead of putting us into this awkward transition. As Spencer said, it looks more like a coin or a gem. I don’t think it looks like a good logo to go with the name Robux.


Here’s a png of the robux icon



Well it’s just sad that some pages are literally 7 years old+ and yet the site has gone through several layout updates across all of those years.


I like this icon, it actually reminds me of the past because of how undetailed it is. It doesn’t remind me of any modernization, it actually reminds me of back in like 2010 when everything was so simple. It wasn’t so easy to get front page back then, there were tycoon/obby spammers rather than cashgrab spammers that are just out there for robux, and it had a lot of communities within the community. Also there were a lot of games that created developers like build to survive, or script builder.

Also put this icon on a ticket, or some dollar and it would make more sense.


New robux design is ugly, there was nothing wrong with the old one and the name doesnt even go with the icon anymore. Robux does not make me thing of a coin or a gem which is what the new icon looks like. It makes me think of a dollar bill or some kind of paper currency which is what the old robux was


If you want to match the premium UI design, you could have just made the P an R…


Honestly speaking I would prefer the new icon over this. Wouldn’t really fit the style of a currency icon.
The new one at least looks like some type of coin; this would deduce some type of other membership conflicting with the Premium logo’s design.


I think you should drink a cup of water, friendo. You’re coming on a little strong regarding the swapping of an image file, and you’re bringing in a lot of narrowly related updates. I’m not going to go over each and every one you referenced, but keep in mind that Roblox from your perspective is one of millions that Roblox needs to take into account when making changes. As for the “classic” R$ logo… I hate to burst your bubble, but the previous iteration was far from classic.


Starting to sound like a broken record here, but it doesn’t stand out enough or make sense.

Blah blah, tilted square, color (green?), blah blah blah.

I think the icon should be stacked so as to convey it being a currency:


Two random alternative ideas off the top of my head with images attached that make rough sense from a design perspective if they may be helpful (unlikely, but hey you never know)
  • Filled in circle (like a coin) with negative space being the Roblox logo.

  • I think it might interesting to try to keep the trend established with developer logo of using the Roblox logo itself as a base and then modifying it.

Happy to see it being updated tho :wink:


Many people have expressed the same things as me.

When I see the new Robux icon, I do not think of currency. I see some kind’ve symbol that doesn’t immediately say “this is currency”. With the old Robux icon it had a $ sign as part of the symbol, making it easy for pretty much everyone, children included, to recognize it as money. (This might just be me though, if I think about it, it does sort’ve look like a coin of some kind)

With the new icon there is no longer an easy way to represent it in text form. I suppose people will likely continue to simply say R$, but if people were to try and communicate the new icon, what would it be? O?

I myself do not like this change. I was fine with the website bar going white, I even honestly liked the new logo! But this just does not make much sense to me. I understand Roblox wants to make everything more modern feeling, make everything fit the new style. But I honestly thought the old icon was fine as it was. It didn’t really stand out, it made sense as an icon for currency, and it still seemed to fit with the more modern feel for the website.

I’m sure after a while people will adjust to the change, that many likely already don’t mind it too much. But I just feel that, at this time, considering other possible changes that could be made, this wasn’t really needed.

Also, the new icon doesn’t really stand out at all to me. It almost blends into the website. I almost feel as if my eyes are searching for a second or two before landing on the Robux. Perhaps make it slightly bigger or somehow make it pop out more, I’m sure the graphical design people over there can find a way to make that better.

Thanks for reading this, just wanted to get my opinion on the change out!


For some reason I actually think an R (or O) shaped Premium-like design with a line inside it would fit, making people know it’s a currency related to Roblox.

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Since most people hate the icon, but understand why the change was made, maybe you should add a setting where users can chose what symbol they want their Robux to look like. Personally, I hate change. Especially if it’s something that has been there for a long time, then just thrown away. I don’t have much to say because it’s only a symbol that personally, in my opinion, didn’t need to be changed.


I don’t understand why everyone is so mad about this. Regarding the symbolism, currency is inherently abstract, so there’s some leeway for the icon to be fairly abstract as well. The previous one was just “R$.” This one is clean, simple, and resembles a coin. Seems like an improvement to me.


I appreciate the intent here. I think replacing the “R” knowing how the currency is “Robux” and the site is “Roblox” is a bit upsetting. Two names that start with the letter R, and the “R” has always been an iconic part of Roblox. Isn’t the “bux” in “Robux” suppose to represent “bucks”, as in paper money? Maybe I am wrong? It’s not the biggest deal in the world considering this is just a virtual currency. I am sure people will buy it all the same if they love the games that they play. Another minor criticism I have is that the currency is in black and white. I would have liked it to have the green so people know it represents a currency. I guess in-game though we could just do that anyways. Overall, I think just like anything else it just takes some time to get use to.


There’s not much I can say that isn’t just a restatement of what other people said. This new logo reminds me of a coin more than Robux, and coins remind me of games like Club Penguin. I can understand the desire to modernize the Robux logo or make it seem more mature, but this this seems bland. If this is the future face of Robux, I’d rather just rename the currency to something like coins or tokens…


This doesn’t even look like a money (if I would see this for the first time I would assume that’s a nut). The colour choice is terrible. It should be green or gold rather than black and white beacause who on earth thinks money is black or white.


I went to check my group funds and got really scared for a minute that my funds had been locked or something because it showed what looked like a black / sort of greyed out button next to my robux amount greyed out.

I agree with previous posts that this is a good move to try and move away from the R$ symbol since people from other countries may not understand it’s meaning as much. However, I do really want a color back. I use dark theme and from what I remember I could easily find R$ amounts anywhere on a page because I could quickly scan for the green color. Now that it’s white/grey like the rest of the page it takes a lot more effort to locate. Previously you’d easily notice if there was a R$ amount somewhere. Now you actually have to put in effort to go looking for that amount.
Also, the icon just looks like a greyscale selection button in some places. Might just be on outdated pages but still.

tl;dr, please at least give the icon a color so that it’s easy to find on a page and easier to distinguish that it represents a currency.

P.S. Just a random thought but people commenting about seeing the icon in color and others seeing it in black and white might be an indication that Roblox is running a test to see which one performs better.


it just feels like the “old players” (like myself) are being shut off

The point of roblox, or any business, is to attract consumers. Their biggest demographic are new players. Catering to “old players” is much more inefficient for a corporation that is trying to innovate. Of course changing an icon isn’t really innovation, but it’s part of the completion of this roblox transition that has been ongoing since 2017.