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I can’t run any code in the console in any of my places, and its been like that since monday of last week.
My place has no character, and never loads one. I see a console and can print things in it. (game is FE)
I don’t know then.
Do you have a custom loading screen? Maybe you have an infinite yield on it?
You could probably throw together an output in the meantime. The LogService should help you with that.
That being said, this should be addressed because that’s an issue.
Waits for the character to spawn, that’s it. Server handles the spawn. Can’t view server log.
Yup I already have a custom console but I didn’t add it to replicatedfirst.
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So this is an issue with the LogService then… Roblox plz.
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Should it be picking up something? Like obviously something isn’t working as intended and that’s bad, but are you certain it’s the log service?
This seems related to this thread. The developer console command line was temporarily disabled because of a suspected exploit. Maybe it has not been turned back on yet because the situation has not been resolved yet?
I thought the exploit temporary-fix was just disabling the command line? Nothing is showing up in the console itself in OP, which doesn’t seem related to the command line.
It’s not considering the console loads when the character spawns and the command line still works
Can you still reproduce this bug?
Still can’t play my own game
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Is it just you or are some players unable to join as well?