Thoughts on 2-Step Verification?

Would you use this feature if ROBLOX had it?
Remember that you would be forced to “re-verify” occasionally like Gmail.

Would you want only SMS (text message) or other options? If so, which?

Would definitely be optional
Would definitely have the ability to disable


Something similar to Google Authenticator in which they have those one-time passwords which change every once in a while.


I would use this.

Definitely something other than just SMS, I have no way of getting text messages. The only other way I can think of would be through e-mail.

The short answer: yespls

The long answer: YES. We’ve needed this for such a long time it’s unreal. The staff have one but we don’t, and it’s kinda just stupid. With this, we’ll be able to prevent exploits in (most) accounts.

Make sure it’s optional please – I trust myself to not give out my cookies/password, so it;d be annoying if I had to do this in spite of that.

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I would say yes, but make a option to turn it off, as some people might not be good enough to keep a track of it.

Definately. Please add.
Could also help accounts getting stolen.

[quote] I would use this.

Definitely something other than just SMS, I have no way of getting text messages. The only other way I can think of would be through e-mail. [/quote]

This. I have no cellular service, don’t make me hate roblox as much as I hate google!

[quote] I would use this.

Definitely something other than just SMS, I have no way of getting text messages. The only other way I can think of would be through e-mail. [/quote]

Those are the only real options. SMS or email.

Also, it would be optional. We aren’t going to force 4.5M active users to get phones or add emails to their accounts. (I want to… but we won’t. :stuck_out_tongue: )

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@Reese, what about roblox app verification?
First you need to use E-mail to verify your account, then you can log in to the roblox app with your username, password and secret one time code, for your roblox app.
and the code, is saved in the app.
and can only be used once, unless you go into the app and “unverify” that app.
and using the app, you get a one time verify code, for roblox each time you log on roblox, or what you wanted to use it for.

With 2-step authentication I would at least feel that my account is remotely safe.

As we’re bringing up security here, why is personal information such as DevEx payment/location (and probably [size=2]but can’t confirm as I don’t use any[/size] creditcard/payment) info visible without re-entering your password?

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This absolutely needs to be added to ROBLOX.

There are so many account scammers running amok via comments, group walls, scam PMs, phishing GUIs, etc. and ROBLOX’s younger audience is especially vulnerable to these scams.

If you offer some sort of free reward for anyone who uses 2-step verification, it will definitely help to get more players on board with this extra security. And as more accounts begin using this feature, the number of scammers on the site would most likely decrease.

I would also use it myself, primarily for peace of mind.


I would love 2-step verification, but I think it only makes sense after we get HTTPS enabled on all pages. I use ROBLOX on WiFi a lot, and someone hijacking my session is more of a worry than someone stealing my password.


Yup. I would use this. I have this set up for my google account.

Would this remember the computer, so I wouldn’t have to do the 2 step every time I log out?

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SMS, email, and phone call. But I’d be fine with nothing more than SMS.

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I would love email verification. My phone is rarely on me, so SMS and phone call verification would be terrible.
Since I have a boat load of stuff on my account, I would definitely use the two step verification.

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I’m all for it, although I wouldn’t be able to use it if it were sms since I haven’t had cell service in like a year, so i’d personally prefer email, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, I’m sure lots of other people have cell phones with service.

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I would definitely use it. Our accounts have items and games on them worth real money now, I have no idea why it isn’t a thing yet.

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I know this thread is old but I think it’s becoming more relevant with the current security standards of accounts. I recently switched to two step verification with Google Authenticator with all of my important GMail, Microsoft, Dropbox and Steam accounts. I’m unsure if two step authentication is in the works right now, but I think it’s something that needs to be re-considered. Having the ability to choose between text, email, or Google Authenticator would make me feel like my account is more secure on ROBLOX.

Does anyone else have any thoughts?

Yes I would use this feature.

EDIT: I realized this is an old thread but my answer still counts.