Thoughts on my custom prompts?


So basically I have been working on a cartoonish like game.
And today I was changing the prompts of my game.

So what are your thoughts on them?

All feedback is welcome(Unless your just going to yell at me like a little kid)


If anything should not be here please correct me!

BTW this is how I made the custom prompts


It looks perfect, I really dont know if it can be better

How does it look when being pressed though?


I feel like the stroke is just a little too… inhales THICC. also i see your going for roblox design but that wont work here as there is not base for the ui (visible) which makes it look :face_vomiting: maybe try going for a simple button and add a hover option? or go for a completely only screen ui?


these are so cute! curious what the animation looks like when you activate it

i agree that the stroke thickness on the smaller text is a bit too big, bumping it down by one or two notches will make it a bit more readable


Ill keep that in mind! Thanks :smiley:

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