Three Lines protruding from player

I am coding this system and ive been stuck for a while.

My code aims to have 3 lines. One forward, one left and one right. Where the left and right are coming out at a dot product angle. As seen in screenshot one.

The issue is in screenshot 2, I have the extra dimension of flight now in the game and my left and right lines always have their x rotation face the global Y axis. When they are all meant to originate from the same point like the second screenshot and act like the forward line but rotated by theta. or -theta (math.acos(dotFovRange)). If you could help at all that would be amazing

Below are my two functions, I use lineA.lookvector and lineB.lookvector to get the direction used in the create_telegraph_parts and my origin cframe is the character

function module.get_cframes_for_liness(cframe, dotFovRange, fovLength, rotationAxis)
    rotationAxis = rotationAxis or Vector3.yAxis

     dotFovRange = math.clamp(dotFovRange, -1, 1)

     fovLength = math.max(fovLength or 1, 0) * 0.5

     local theta = math.acos(dotFovRange)

     local lineA = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(0, theta, 0))

     local lineB = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(0, -theta, 0))

     return lineA, lineB

local function create_telegraph_parts(originCFrame: CFrame, direction: Vector3, length: number, height: number)

   local rayPart ="Part")
   rayPart.Anchored = true
   rayPart.CanCollide = false
   rayPart.Size =, height, (direction * length).Magnitude)
   rayPart.CFrame =, originCFrame.Position + direction) *, 0, -rayPart.Size.Z / 2) 
   rayPart.Color =, 0.196902, 0.157092)
   rayPart.Transparency = 0.3
   rayPart.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
   rayPart.Parent = telegraphsFolder

   return rayPart

CFrame.lookAt only can only produce two rotation values at most since you’re only providing 2 positions. This is why your extra dimension of flight can’t be considered. You have the direction of the line but there can be infinite normals to that line which you never get to specify. This normal is what determines the third rotation value.

Is there a reason why you aren’t using the CFrame from get_cframes_for_liness() directly?

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