ThreeDText 2 Plugin: Create Text With MeshParts!

Can I just ask: how laggy is this plugin? As in, what impact will using ThreeDText have on performance as opposed to just using regular old textlabels, and is it something I should be concerned about?

(Sorry for bumping.)

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Does this plugin give you the RoSync virus? I was recently using it when it took over my scripts. I disabled all plugins and reenabled the plugins 1 by 1. The issue only occurred when I had this plugin downloaded. After I got rid of it, RoSync didn’t appear again. Any reason why?!?


Do you have a malicious version of this plugin? Can you check who is the creator?

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I saw that the one I owned was this. I actually dont think that it was this plugin that was causing the problem, but after I removed it the rosync thing did show up again


Is there a way to edit the plugin, for example add a new font/language?


Can’t add a new font :frowning:

If this plugin doesn’t have the font or support the languages you want, there’s the alternative of using Paint3D on Windows:


Will you be working on new fonts, you have extra bold of some fonts like Inter but I might want the regular version. Would be cool if you could somehow import the whole Google Fonts library to the plugin.

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Alright, thank for the help. Never though of using paint 3d to make text.

Awesome, This has been very useful!


I love this Plugin it’s one of the best Plugins that exits and without the Plugins I can’t make a good game thx for the Plugin :smiley: :heart:

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No longer having to boot up blender for simple 3D text :smiley:

I just noticed that the number 5 is not loaded visibly you can look there maybe

Bro you are the best, This plugin will save us so much time!!!

amazing plugin, just sick of the fact that it docks the window every time I start studio. Is there any way I can turn that off?


Did anyone find a fix for this?

I did not expect to come back here but it is an actual good plugin

Any chance for new fonts? please

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Soo… lowercase T is broken. Just noticed this.


I’m probably gonna release a version with a ton of fixes. Expect that sometime soon.
Edit: completely forgot about this and my computer has been broken this entire time so hhhh probably expect it november or december?


I tried it and one of the best plugins ever! Keep making more because this is amazing.