As a roblox developer, it is currently too hard to to use pre existing tile sets and efficiently apply them to textures in your game.
I understand tile sets are mostly used in 2d games, but being able to apply them in 3d games still allows for a more diverse range of 3d environments the engine can allow to be effectively utilized. I think an update to the already existing ‘texture’ object in roblox would be one potential way for this to be implemented. You could currently use a tile set by manually calculating the needed OffsetStuds and StudsPerTile properties inside the ‘texture’ object, but there are some issues with this. First of all the built in interpolation of the texture cannot be turned off (I know image labels allow for this, but then I’d have to use literally thousands of surface guis). So your tile would end up being blended with adjacent tiles in the tile set. Secondly now if you ‘stretch’ the part the texture is on, instead of looping the tile you wanted; it would continue to the next one, and the one after that (which is an issue that would still persist even if I did go the route of using image labels).
In conclusion a way to turn off the interpolation of the ‘texture’ object, as well as a way to ‘lock’ the texture to repeat the selected portion of the image could be one good way of allowing for tile sets to be more effectively used.
Another perhaps better way would be something along the lines of allowing uploaded images to be used as tile sets and a way to break one uploaded image into many different textures by giving an input of tile size, and tile padding. Or perhaps something like ‘tilemapping’ in Unity.
If this feature is addressed it would it would improve my development experience because I would be able to better create retro themed 3d environments. Here are a few examples of environments that I have in mind:
Compound VR: