tNametag v2 | A twitter like nametag to prevent impersonation with display names

This is an updated version of tNametag with a better look and now hides the display name if it is the same as the players name.

Since people are saying that impersonation will be an issue with the display names update, I made this a while ago, and since people have display names now I updated it!

It hides from the player and only shows for other players like normal name tags do

(Updated screenshot of the nametag)

Here is a demo game: tNametag v2 showcase! - Roblox

Here is the installer plugin: tNametag v2 - Roblox


You should not show the “@” if it’s the same. Only show it if it’s there’s a different displayname.


OP says it is twitter like, and twitter as well as almost every other platform prepends @ to usernames.

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Oh don’t- They do, but in Roblox it should be that way that’s how it works in Roblox currently, I would just go for that instead. It’s looks better too; There’s no need for a @ when there’s nothing else;

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The installer plugin is not for sale.

Fixed that so now you can get the installer.