Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

Why would I buy the pack of 10k if I would only use 100 sounds?

Secondly, it is not as cheap as you say, if every sound is 20 robux to upload and you want them all, thats 200k robux, which is 2k USD, not so easy to come by easily.

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I know how that feels because I purchase audios from the Unreal Marketplace and have to do the upload fee at the same time. It sucks.

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They didn’t have to do this they did it anyways though.

A larger Variety of Sounds, but you are missing my Point. Unless you are making a Every Genre, all time Periods game, then you only need a Few Sounds for your game and the Rest is just if you make another game then you can Upload them. Plus, by buying them, you’re supporting him as an artist. An Idea Roblox should do to help the Uploading Issue is to lower the price of a 10 Second song to Free so that you are technically only paying for the Sounds and not paying for uploading them.

I’m pretty sure this was part of their settlement, in other words they did have to do it.


Yes they did.
It was part of their off-court agreement most likely.

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Yes but I will now politely ask, why would I support the man-child who threw a fit at Roblox and it’s players even after Roblox attempted to buy the sound.

(Typing on a phone, spelling might be off.)

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oh, well still this shouldn’t go in announcements it should be Development Discussion.

That was still probably part of the agreement.

Late reply, but lots of games I would presume are breaking copyright law. There are countless games that I rarely see get taken down, and I in no way believe that they own the copyright to some of the imagery, songs, etc. that I see. I presume your ‘copyright infringement’ will only cost you when the holder reports it.

Also, I don’t think your game will get persecuted for using a sound asset someone else uploaded. But that could change now!

He worked on the OOF sound and Roblox Used it (Unknowing of Copyright issues) for 12 years with-out compensation, so this is pretty much the least Roblox could do.

20 years? Uhm, that might be off.

Also, this leads to the main point and we don’t need to talk like this anymore, why announce this in announcments.

Sorry that is Off, I think 12 years? The announcement was most likely was part of the Legal Agreement, So Roblox did not have a choice

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I think it should be noted that the ROBLOX account currently has around 16,000 pages worth of license free sounds uploaded to the library ranging from full songs to short sound effects. I’d much rather be using those as opposed to spending my hard earned money on a sound pack from a dude who decided to sue the platform and make them shill out an ad for him in the announcements section of the Developer Forum.

Lest we forget that Roblox had an entire Pokémon game created on the platform that succeeded for years and years until Nintendo found out and pulled the plug on it…not before the developers and Roblox made tens of thousands of dollars off it, however.

That being said, the amount of copyright infringement that exists amidst the platform is absolutely massive. Games like Amongst Us and Piggy are clear rip offs of popular games not originally created on Roblox. It seems that until the creator of the original game is made aware, Roblox lets developers get away with it until a DMCA is filed and forces their hand.

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Piggy itself isn’t really copyright infringement as you can’t copyright a game concept. For example no one can copyright the idea of Tycoons, or RPGs.

Amongst Us is another story though. Not to mention all of the anime games which are far worse with their copyright infringement.

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It is not Copyright Infringement as Piggy and Amongst Us have the Original Idea plus their Own spin on the Idea. Plus, I would rather Use my Hard-earned money then spend hours on end just trying to find Quality sounds. Plus since then Roblox has been trying to Crack down on Copyright Infringement and DMCA which includes the Creation of the Developer marketplace.

As I stated in my post, the idea wouldn’t be the issue, the assets would be. For example, Amongst Us does use sounds from the actual Among Us game. So that’s an issue. Aside from that it would be ok.

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Okay, let me get something off my chest.

Roblox has decided to collaborate and advertise Tommy’s work on the developer forum, and on the official Roblox account? If you ask me, that is the most stupidest thing I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime on Roblox.

This guy tried to sue you Roblox, and you are just gonna take his side? He threatened to sue you for a sound that he didn’t even make himself. This is honestly ridiculous and just disappointing to see.

This, this must have been the dumbest idea ever. You realize that you could have just paid the dude instead of attempting to remove half of your player base.

Is it just me, or is this just… confusing. We can’t give it out to other developers to use, but we can record and stream our games with the sounds in it? You know, people can just record the sounds, upload them and boom, they have a copy for free!

This a pure advertisement, and I am so disappointed seeing that this happened.


When I fist saw this I was considering buying the Basic pack because 10$ for 100 sounds is a pretty good deal plus it would help me to release faster and not have to make sounds. But then I read the comments.
You have to…
double pay?
No way. I don’t get it.

Let’s have a moment of silence for the beloved Oof sound.
R.I.P Oof sfx.

For one, He did make the Oof sound (Proof cannot be disclosed as that is up to the two parties, Roblox and Tommy). This announcement was also most likely part of a legal deal same with losing rights to the oof sound. Plus, Tommy wanted more if Roblox was to buy the Oof sound for all of the Time that Roblox has used it without compensation.