Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

Well, another way is to insert your own “oof audio” In the find roblox file location. But I mean it would be free, and hard. It really depends on what Roblox is trying to do! I am still thinking of saving my money for a new oof sound later in the year.

Thanks, Fusion

I’m personally not buying any of the sounds, huge waste of hard earned money

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At first I actually was. I had the expectation that Roblox would host like some server database where you get whitelisted when you buy it and get a panel letting you insert the sounds. Or at the very least a whitelist with ids. I didn’t think you would have to pay that. I personally think Roblox is doing that on purpose and are trying to milk developers. Roblox is going to start losing devs if they keep up this behavior. First its 7 day profit wait then group profit locking (my dev group has been perma locked :unamused:). Now Roblox is advertising sounds that you have to pay to upload on the announcements page. Roblox needs a reality check on how they treat their devs.

What the heck Roblox? Long standing sound developers are mad. You never give any of them any sort of help then this guy just comes knocking on your door and you give him an “Update” announcement? This is no update it’s just some cheap sound design packet. Help our other developers, not just the ones that are already big. This is a huge advertisement for some guy. You even decided to plug this mans website and twitter multiple times!

Roblox is just blind, because many people have created polls on this topic and I myself also created on and the results were… not surprising

If you can’t see this Roblox, then I don’t really know what you can’t see

Also, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: “Thanks, but we’ve already reviewed that post and determined it does not need to be flagged again.”

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This is not okay for Roblox to do. What about the small devs? Why are they only helping those who don’t need the help and are already big? If he is world renown he should just be able to say “hey i made this” and people will come.

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Personally I belive tommy shouldve done two things different.
A: he shouldve had an option to buy the sounds for robux so they are more accessible.

B: he shouldve made a system where you just insert whitelisted ID’s

On a side note he wouldnt of had so much hate if he kept the oof sound free.

EDIT: not to mention the fact that there isnt even a playthrough of at least the basic pack so we dont even know what we are getting.

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true, a lot of people are hating him now for making Roblox do this. #BringBackOof

He has worked 6 months on this kit (Said in a Video he Posted), That is 900 hours (5-hour Work Days) of work and working Minimum wage in the state of California (He Lives there) it would be $9,000 USD, but that is not Including the expenses of Equipment and Software. I would say that he Probably spent around +$1,000 on equipment. That is a lot of cash. So, we pay $250 for 10,000 Sounds, that’s Pretty much 3 cents a Sound. And then the Argument of the amount of Robux need to Upload all that. First off, 90% of the Time you don’t need to upload all that Audio, you just need I would say a top of 100 Audio at one time (Most likely less). 90% if not all the Sounds that you will use are under 10 Seconds so that is 20 Robux per Sound. That Equates to 2,000 Robux, or $7 USD. Paying that Little for so many sounds at High Quality. I call that Fair! Plus, that Audio can be Used anywhere you are on the Roblox Platform, so it could be now or 10 years down the Road. The last argument someone could make is, What about the Small Developers? Well, First, if they are small then most chances are that they really don’t need 10,000 Sounds. Next, $10 Is very easy to come by (In the US), so even 100 Sounds should get them on a good Start.

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He Goes through the Basic Pack inside the Video on his Website, which includes the Oof sound that can be used anywhere on the Roblox Platform

I find it hilarious that Tallarico, during the launch of his disaterous Amico campaign, has to come scraping for funding on a platform completely irrelevant to him. Well done Tommy, you’re showing your true colors yet again!


Most of the sounds can be stolen pretty easily. I do think most people will just steal the Oof because many of us hate him. Also 20 Robux per sound is a lot when you don’t have a big budget. For example I could buy Among us for less than this and have way more fun come out of it.

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Im just saying that you can literally find royalty free sound packs online. a quick google search found this:

EDIT: also if anyone needs some good sounds: Free Game Sound Effects Download Pack

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Nice to see the conflict between ROBLOX and Tommy Tallarico has ended. It’s really sad to see the iconic “oof” sound go, but I hope the next sound is just as great as the “oof” sound. I hope things go well.

yeah I mean this is rigged. Tommy should let us handle our own platform. All I can say is at least some of the sounds are good. Most of them I hate due to what he does with them and/or how he produced them such as the “oof” sound. He should make it to where you can just buy one (for example the oof sound) and then be happy instead of 100.


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IMO I don’t get why people are complaining -Either Roblox gets sued, which it didn’t, or something like this happens.
Plus, he owned the rights. Just because you use a platform that used it for a long time doesn’t mean you are entitled.
No-one is forcing you to buy it.
Roblox has hundreds if not more of free, quality sound effects.
He isn’t forcing you to buy them-If you want it, buy it.
You can make your own SFX, or find literally thousands upon thousands of free SFX.
It was his. No-one is forcing you to buy.

Hypothetical situation: You like a song, upload it to roblox.
Then gets DMCA’ed and taken down. Would you complain about that?


Bro they put ads in a section meant for IMPORTAINT developer announcements. They forced us to look at it by putting it right smack next to other things that matter such as new features or changes in ToS. Plus Roblox never helps out any of the other sound designers. They only helped him cause they want to be on good terms so he doesn’t sue them again over something.

i mean, they already showed with the halloween sort that they don’t give a flying- you know
about small creators on the platform

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Would you rather have Roblox get sued or something worse like that?
With most other possibilities, (except buying rights), this is one of the better outcomes.

Yeah, so you wouldn’t try to get along better so you wouldn’t be sued and waste money for lawyers and potentially lose money from being sued?

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Roblox had to advertise for him because that’s most likely what their settlement had involved in it.