This is the best thing that has ever happened in Roblox!
In my opinion, this is quite dumb to promote someone who tried to sue your platform over an “sound effect” you legally obtained. So why are you using the annoucement channel as an promoting for Tommy when this channel isn’t the right place. Not to mention removing the legacy oof death sound will kill Roblox’s image of what Roblox was known for in memes and great ways. I don’t think this is the right path.
Please don’t take my post down for my opinion
Yep, it’s the best thing. Except by the part that they advertised in announcements.
While its an advertisement its also an announcement of a new feature coming to Roblox. So its not against the rule, the advertisment is just a part of the thread. No problemo here, move on.
I’m glad the death sound is getting removed . The Engine is maturing now, and this will remove the annoyance of replacing it with another sound or having it in game. though I am glad to say, that the sound is still available… at a cost
Wow the “Oof” sound being removed? I thought I’d never see this day; it’s such an iconic part of Roblox’s history, it’s truly sad to see it go and I hope that in the future we will be able to somehow use it again.
**This was one of the many free, high quality sounds available on roblox. There are hundreds more. **
This was part of their agreement most likely, of their legal battle.
They most likely had no choice.
This is hardly a mature way of dealing with the problem.
Upcoming audio options, presumably one selected for the default.
I don’t think that we should create conjecture about any legal processes, nor who legally obtained what, nor who orginally created the asset. That isn’t the place for this, and clearly in both the eyes of Roblox and Tommy Tallarico the original owner is Tommy Tallarico (so it is a moot point). We especially shouldn’t cast aspersions towards the developer who is offering these sound effects.
If you want the “oof” sound, buy it from the Developer Marketplace when it becomes available, and support the developer who made it. This isn’t up for debate and I think it was a poor choice for Roblox to open this thread for discussion (or post it at all).
He could’ve just settled for millions from ROBLOX for using the sound but that wasn’t enough for him. It’s sad that all of us developers must pay just to use this sound now. He’s been attacking ROBLOX since he discovered they used his 1 second sound, and this whole “collaboration” seems very forced. Clearly the creator of the sound doesn’t care how important this sound is to the community of tens of millions of people, he just wants as much money as he can get from this.
It his property, no matter how long the sound is. I think this is a great decision for Roblox to make, because personally in my opinion, I don’t think people don’t deserve to have this sound for free.
And why do you think he cares so much that ROBLOX used his sound all of a sudden? Because he realized how much money people are making off of the platform. He himself is already a millionaire, so why should he even care? He could’ve gotten millions from ROBLOX, but instead he’s making every individual developer pay in order to use his sound. Really doesn’t seem fair to the community. ROBLOX is just bending the knee to a greedy crybaby in my opinion, and I really don’t understand why.
I can get behind the fact that it is his property, but he made it 20 years ago… I’m not sure of legal implications but I believe that had he noticed this sound in use say… 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago, or near the time of original publication, it could be fair grounds. However, this was almost 20 decades ago. Computers had still been… massive and made of grey terrible plastic. It’s insane to believe that Roblox’s entire method of replacing the “Oof” sound is to play it off as an “Improvement” and a new feature. It’s what makes the game iconic.
I’m appalled at the fact that Roblox took the course of action to use this dev forum as an advertisement space. This dude has been after them for awhile since he discovered his sound, and now they’re advertising this as if it’s a great thing. If he cared about his sound, he would have actively searched out for people using it. Evidently he’s only after Roblox at this point because he believes they can provide him with monetary gain.
I believe copyright(after 1970 or so) lasts for 70 years after the persons death unless it is put into the public domain.
I’m no legal professional though.
I think it is longer for companies
These audio files have a digital watermark as all premium images & audio does. So if they do end up being leaked and someone uses them without a valid license, they’ll likely get a warning or terminated.
Honestly, I don’t understand the outrage of this. It’s one post that differs from what’s usually here. And for the people complaining about the prices, and that people make free sounds better than this, no one is forcing you to buy it. Roblox is just recommending these sounds to you because there won’t be any licensing issues for you, whereas free sounds run the risk of the owner going at you because you didn’t pay them. (This happens a lot with any free work, and I have experienced this first hand with former devs and colleagues, walking out on bad terms, then forcing us to remove the work that they gave us, because they decided to work for free).
Then you see people upset because Tommy called you all children. I mean, when an entire community is attacking someone who was rightfully suing over the unlicensed use of his sound, it kinda does make them all look like children, especially when they don’t gather all the facts around it. If you don’t want to be called a child, don’t act like one.
20 years ago, or not, it’s still in his right to pursue legal action over this. Copyright extends for the duration of his life, plus 70 years before it’s considered public domain. Tommy wasn’t after ROBLOX for monetary gain, he was after them for using his sound without his permission. You wouldn’t steal the work of an artist and play it off as something you owned the rights to. It’s time sound designers got the same respect.
I believe he was entirely after Roblox for monetary gain. If you look in the past he’s repeatedly held the sound effect over their head, and it seems apparent that with this forum post he will gain something off his sound being used.
After all, why would we need to pay the equivalent of $1 for his sound kit, if he wasn’t after monetary gain. If it was just a matter of “They can’t use it without my permission”, then he would have most likely pursued some immediate form of payment or settlement, and either licensed Roblox to use the sound then for free, or disallowed them to use it entirely. In this instance, he chose to force them to make developers pay that cost, clearly showing his want for a monetary gain.
I completely understand the concept of it being made by him therefore its his. I play multiple instruments myself and have some minor experience sound making on top of the more extensive programming knowledge I posses. Both fields contain a lack of regard for using others work, but at some point you need to get over it and just let it happen. Someone else could have gone and recreated that exact sound without ever listening to what Tommy made. The same thing happens in programming all the time for tiny pieces. It’s rather unfortunate that people continue to go after one another for things that are non material, and in this instance, was not gaining anyone any monetary value anyway.
My biggest issue here is developers must pay to use the sound. ROBLOX should just give the dude money to satisfy him, but I don’t think that would be enough for him. Very sad and petty situation. I think the best course of action would be to take it to court rather than to let this guy force developers to pay to use the “oof” noise.
Tommy had originally gone after roblox for one sum of money from them, but roblox was adamant that they owned the sound, and refused to settle on a reasonable amount, if anything at all. Not only that, but roblox capitalized on his sound, as it was shared across the internet gaining them a lot of publicity, more members who were likely to buy products from roblox. People are making a big deal out of the sound being removed because “it’s a part of roblox’s identity,” which, in itself is proof of how big the impact of this sound is.