Tommy Tallarico Sound Design Kit Now Available

Ok, so you apologized that you used the announcements category for a literal ad, which keep in mind about how harsh the DevForum members are shoved around about wrong category.
So what do you do? You leave it… you didn’t even try to change it, you literally are disobeying your own rules.
What, you don’t know where to put it?
Why not use the never to be used and never has been used #uncategorized category?
Even then I’m sure site engineers could literally make a whole new category.

And also, you’d think that a multi-billion dollar company could pay Tommy to keep the sound instead of literally removing it.
Don’t get me wrong, Tommy has every right to want the “Oof!” to not be used by Roblox, but come one…

Honestly it’s quite ridiculous.

Also, after a week you apologized for the ad in announcement (that notified EVERYONE and you never changed it!), and still you leave many people confused on multiple problems and question.
Like the comments below the update, what’s the fate for SFX artist? Can’t we pay for the “Oof!” sound? Why can’t we negotiate with Tommy, even though he doesn’t even care about this platform and it’s community at all?!

What does this mean for Tommy?
Sense he has obviously disrespected our community, he is getting quite a lot of backlash.
How will this affect his career?

One thing I’d like to address that no one else really has, in the other post you stated that Tommy never actually showed any form on ownership… Did he any time later?:arrow_down:

(As stated here).

One last thing…
Don’t you think Tommy’s sound kit might get scam versions?
Sense you have to go to a different site, some people might make a site with a scam version on the sound kit.
I mean it’s already questionable to why we need to go to an external site.

Regarding to the update, people are still confused on things.
I heard that you could buy the “Oof!” sound for 100 Robux!
I even had someone say that you would never be able to upload sounds to the library and you have to buy Tommy’s sounds, which most of them probably won’t even fit our games.

With things like that in the concern, Roblox you’re leaving many people confused.


Does anyone know how this will affect group games? Will the owner of the group have to pay for the sound, or can other devs pay for it?


I find this weird why would people buy a death sound when you can just change the sound file in your roblox folder?

They would buy it for their game so that the players do not have to change the sound. Mobile users cannot change the sound.


Probably no, since it’s copyrighted and it’s gonna be included inside of this sound pack;
And since you’re not buying it, it’s kinda of a problem;

I think the “oof” sound is great! It will be sad :cry: if it was removed.


This is very stupid. We have to buy it for money and upload it to roblox which costs 70 robux to upload? And what about the kid developers that dont have money to pay!
I fully disagree with this update. And advertising in Announcements is just plain stupidity.
Thousands of SFX designers on the devforum can make sounds for a cheaper price and sometimes even free.


If you don’t want to buy it don’t buy it… No one’s making you pay for an oof sound.

This is a very important announcement. It doesn’t just say “Hey! Come buy this thing!” it’s very important for developers and users as it is the removal of a sound effect.

They’re free to make their own sounds, this post said nothing about that.

I didnt say i was happy about the removal of the “oof sound” what i mean is advertising in this channel is stupid.


I never said anything about how you felt about the “oof” sound? All I said was that this isn’t advertising, this is about the removal of a very widely used default effect. The title of this topic should’ve been different, yes, but this is pretty important.

I just dont like the advertising part it makes small SFX designers worthless

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How? This doesn’t mention anyone else and doesn’t take away from anyone else. The Roblox Team is just showing their solution to their past “drama” with Tommy Tallarico and the copyrighted “oof” sound. If this makes a SFX designer feel worthless then that’s on them, this has nothing to do with them.

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Yup. As stated in the quote below, Tommy has never shown ownership, yet Roblox is still removing the sound.

I have a few more things, though.

Why is Roblox so scared?
As clearly stated in the post above, Roblox purchased the sounds copyright-free, meaning Roblox shouldn’t be afraid of being sued or anything else. Now, I understand that they might be afraid of Tommy giving them a bad reputation. This shouldn’t be an issue. Keep using the sound, and if Tommy somehow threatens them, or sends some sort of implied message that they will get a bad reputation from him unless they remove the sound, that’s blackmail. It’s illegal, and they can report Tommy to the police.

Are they deliberately siding with Tommy?

Roblox has the rights, and yet they are still working with Tommy. It seems they are still deciding to work with him for some reason. Why? They have no reason to.


His current company is Intellivision. That’s the name of a console from the 70’s.

He bought the rights to the brand. Your point is?

He probably showed proof in court which is why this is happening.

I’d personally like to see the proof myself. And maybe the court saying the proof was valid.

  1. That’s most likely confidential.
  2. It’s most likely the case, otherwise this whole thread wouldn’t exist.
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Hello, why are you replacing the oof sound?

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I don’t understand how roblox which is a multi billion dollar company can’t afford to pay Tommy and keep the sound effect on the platform for free


I don’t know either. I wasn’t in the court room.