Too much violence or gore in my upcoming game?

Would this violence be allowed on ROBLOX and if not what can I do to make it allowed?

This game won’t remain just an endless close combat fighting battleground like call of duty or something, it is just a placeholder map and the kills leaderboard and everything else will be removed, so the game will be open-world and free to do whatever you want like for example The Streets.

Games like BloodFlow also have a blood engine, however, that game got taken down for being reviewed but I’m guessing that is because of a new update or something? Because the game was around for over a month. If you know anything about that feel free to say as well.

Frontpage games like Phantom forces, gladiators etc have blood and violence but I’m not sure.

Also, these vocal sound effects aren’t uploaded by me and some are actually by ROBLOX.


I feel like It’s fine except for the following things.

  • Expulsion of blood, I feel as if the blood shouldn’t shoot out and that might make some parents and kids feel un safe and in return you will loose a large chunk of players and have a higher chance of Roblox saying It has too much blood and gore.

  • I feel as if the downward stab is way too much, as a young adult it even makes me uncomfortable to watch. It’s not that I can’t handle it It’s just that it has too much effect on the player and seems like a horrible way to go and unlike a swing of the blade like we’re all grew up seeing in Movie, TV Shows, ETC. This also might result in your game being under review.

  • Blowing up the player I noticed the player blows up, that’s too much that right there with his body parts going everywhere from what I can see could get you banned. Personally Roblox takes great pride and keeping their community safe and this wouldn’t help their cause.

Over all except for these things above I think it should be fine. Take this post as you wish but I’m not in charge of what happens. Thanks hope this helped from John… :smiley:


I agree with Strongjohnfgamer, the way it shoots out seems too much (for me at least). You may be pointing at an audience of 14+ years old, but you have to realize a 7-year-old can see his friend playing it and then joins.

I think the after stabbing when someone is down is too much for both parents and Roblox. I can tell it is well-made, but I think it is too much violence.

Other than that, I like the game and I think you can get quite a lot of players on here with the animations you’re showing. Best of luck with your game! :grin:


As with most of these situations, if you have to ask, it probably means no and besides, it isn’t an essential part of the game or part of any narrative, so why even bother including it (and thus exclude a huge audience and revenue)?

Additionally, quoting that other games are ok does not make your game fine to use it - moderation is more complicated than that and I’m tired of devs pointing fingers at another game complaining “well they got away with it, why can’t I?”


Thanks for replying John,

for the first point I can cut down on blood, however I will make it so blood can be customised in settings anyways and will be disabled on console and mobile as those hold more younger players and I am aware of console terms.

On the second point, my old game oof combat each weapon has an execution animation:

However, that is a meme style game which any kid could play and I do get what you mean. I’d have to think of a better finish animation if that is a problem.

For the third point, I think you mean Grenades and other projectiles blowing up players within like 3 studs. I can cut down on blood for that if that is what you mean?


Why not save yourself time and worry and risk of moderation by just… removing the gore altogether?


I don’t quite get what you’re referring to, can you explain?

Gore can be interpreted in different ways, Roblox says “As you can see this game is very gory, and although this is the main selling point, as well as chopping off body parts, this can be turned off.” That suggests that ROBLOX doesn’t mind it as long as it isn’t forced upon a player and isn’t over the top. I do understand this was 4 years ago, and ROBLOX is tighter now about this sort of stuff and that my game has much more gory details but I don’t think it needs to be completely disabled as that is basically a top feature of the game, and without it it is just any other fighting game.

Turning off blood will disable blood, however I could also add a setting to disable things like screaming, and blood sound effects or should that all be in the same category. Should this be a choice upon entering the game? Let me know what you think, thanks again for helping!


Another thing I was thinking is just having it disabled for players under 13, but it is completely hidden from them so 99% of those players wouldn’t even know the game has gore so they wouldn’t be interested in seeing this unlesss they saw it on youtube or something, however I don’t think that is allowed.


In some case when a game’s narrative relies on visuals of blood/gore/other content, it can sometimes be allowed on the platform. Think like a trail of bloody footsteps in a detective game, the bloody footsteps are important to the narrative.

You’re under the impression that gore makes a game interesting/unique when that’s not true, and if that is one of your “top features,” I’d suggest you revisit your game design plan and favour actual mechanics that bring gameplay value.

You’re allocating way more resources into a visual that two thirds of the platforms won’t even see, that means those players are missing the “top feature” anyways, so why put so much time and effort into something instead of where it would be better allocated to meaningful content?


I understand what you mean, however the game will be much much more than just blood and fighting, that isn’t what I am going for at all. It will have lots of content and detail, I just like the gore engine and other players do as well.

The blood and gore engine make the combat much more pressurising and seem very dangerous to players. The consequences of dying can be very harsh, and will lower the combat rate in general. Players will not want to get involved with fighting someone with a huge machete while they have a small knife or nothing. And for the other side, that person wouldn’t want to go around trying to start a massacre as even though he could have the best weapon, he will still be no match to lots of players fighting back.

These are not final plans but just ideas being put towards the game. The game will be open-world where players can do whatever they want without limits, which is what will make it addictive and not repetative.


Mortal Kombat has a ton of gore, and the game feel wouldn’t be the same without it. Just because something is functionally the same doesn’t mean it IS the same.

Would you want to play a game where every weapon was the same gray/untextured sword? Or where every unlockable item looked the same?

The game is clearly a violent action game. I question the appropriateness of putting such a game on roblox, but you can’t just dismiss the game’s violence as not “meaningful content” (and it isn’t as if other front page titles offer much in terms of meaning anyways…) just because you don’t like it.

The way I see it, the gore and executions are one of the game’s main selling points. It might not appeal to the majority of roblox, but it definitely has its audience.

Ignoring that and telling OP to redo two-thirds of a game sounds like destructive advice.


Yea gore that has caused their devs to develop PTSD, so let’s not bring that into this discussion as that’s not a good look for anyone.

Not to mention that I’ve played Mortal Kombat with the gore turned off and still enjoyed it because there’s more to the game mechanic-wise than the gore. OP has the option to turn off the gore… which they admitted it would then be like any other fighting game, suggesting that without the gore, they have a lacking game. Mortal Kombat isn’t lacking when you turn the gore off. So this isn’t a sensible comparison.

Strawman argument. We’re talking specifically about gore, not textures for assets.

It’s not dismissing the violence, it’s dismissing the necessity of the gore. A game can still have the executions and sword fighting without the gore. It’s meaningless fluff of visuals that doesn’t add any gameplay value - something he should be focusing on as “top features” instead of visuals that’ll get his game removed.

And here’s my actual quote, if you’d like to refer to something I actually said ^

Granted, the OP has already specified that they’ll be adding more actual content to the game, and if they chose to include the gore with it they acknowledge the risk of having their game removed, something they’re well acquainted with.

Let’s leave it at that.


I am keeping this thread open as I am still interested what people have to say about other content that in the testing server or will be added as I progress.

Removing gore completely isn’t necessary and from what has already been said wouldn’t remove all the problems, and just wouldn’t look right imo.

Here’s some things off the top of my head I have thought of and would like to ask if they would be okay:

  • -Ability to pick players up, so players will end up doing things like saving their friends from a grenade or throwing them off a building.

  • -Vehicles that can explode or set on fire burning players in them

  • -Vehicles that can run players over (When a player hits something depending on their velocity they can lose a body part, so if they fell off a building and landed on their head, rip.

    • something that can cause players to hold others hostage? E.g. tying them up.

I think it’s neat. I also absolutely believe gore can be a big part of a game. It gives feedback to hits and can be a visual representation of your success while fighting. There are PLENTY of games out there that would not be as appealing to an audience without the gore effects they have(MK, Gears, Doom, Sniper Elite, etc…) these all use gore either as feedback or a small reward for a good combo, precise shot, or fast timing. That being said, it can’t be all your game has going for it and this is Roblox so we do have to approach this at a different angle.

I personally think you’ll be fine. I would say if anything, limbs being blown off may be pushing it for moderation but even then, maybe not. The blood itself will be fine, the blood flying through the air looks awesome and I think should be okay, maybe make it an option if possible so it isn’t forced that may make it a bit easier to pass through.

Plenty of games have gore, some have even more than you do here. I also believe that this is a valid point, games are to be treated equally and rules should be equally applied to all. Now if they are, I’m not sure as I have no experience with getting games removed.

As for your questions:

  • Picking up would be a very cool mechanic

  • Vehicles that can explode or set fire is good, I wouldn’t do the burning though, either you keep it so family friendly that is looks/sounds odd and doesn’t fit the rest of the game, or you don’t try to make it friendly and the game will more than likely be taken down because of it.

  • Vehicles to run people over also sounds decent, try to keep limbs to a minimum though. I would honestly just have them ragdoll out with a little bit of blood and that’s it. A good thump sound, and a little blood with a ragdoll will be enough feedback that it looks/sounds decent but isn’t gonna push any limits.

Finally, I think you should add some ranged weapons. Combat seems fast paced and some skill based ranged weapons would add anther level of depth to the combat and skill. Have throwing knives and such that you aim with and take time to reach the target. You could even put them on cool-downs so it doesn’t take too much from the melee combat if that’s your focus, it just adds another skill for players to master.

Just my opinion though :slight_smile:


Though the game looks really good actually, the blood is way too over the top.
The shooting blood doesn’t seem necessary and the blood cylinders on the ground look too out of place to be worth it. I would say that gore is fine as long as dynamic blood is kept to a minimum, which realistically shouldn’t take you away from the brutal nature of the combat anyway.
The ragdolls and the effects are otherwise phenomenal.


Personally I think it’s absolutely fine, in fact the effects add a lot to the gameplay. It would give the player more incentive to try different attacks - knowing each encounter will be visually different to the last.

I do however agree that it should not be forced upon every player, regardless of age - some may find it unnecessary or vulgar in what is essentially a children’s platform.

I think giving the player an option to choose between different levels of “gore” (including none at all) would be the best option. This way you will never have too much or too little.


@Aotrou This is an invalid point in my eyes, since Roblox has an aesthetic that Mortal Combat doesn’t. Roblox has extremely unrealistic and has quite cartoony graphics that makes violence much less bothersome and disturbing. The reason why parents aren’t outraged about “phantom forces being too violent” is because of the fact that it’s not real people. It’s too cartoony for a person to really relate to the character and feel uncomfortable by it.


This looks totally AWESOME. I can’t give any advice on whether to remove it or not, but if you will you should probably make a switch so you can go back to this if you could, because if I was you I wouldn’t dare to completely erase it. :V


I have made various changes:

  • Blood amount has been toned down a LOT: The only blood from grenades has been completely removed and only comes from the limbs that are lost
  • Blood size has been reduced to basically big droplets rather than pools of blood.
  • You cannot slash dead bodies at all
  • You cannot chop the limbs off a person when finishing them

What I am still concerned about (are these allowed? What should I change):

  • realistic(ish) screaming when you lose a limb, fall from a very high place, get set on fire etc.

  • the molotov; apparently in BloodFlow a problem was the person being on fire. In my game, when the person is on fire it plays an animation of them frankticly trying to get it off as well as screaming. I feel like this would be a red flag, what should I change this to? I do think though that molotovs are allowed though as I’ve seen them in other games.

  • Animations: someone in this thread said they thought the animations were too violent, do you think this is really a problem? Asking because my animator put lots of effort into these and I and most people do love them.

  • The gas grenade being named “gas grenade”. It is a poisonous gas that makes a player cough and lose health while playing an animation. Would this be allowed? Mainly concerned about the name really.

Testing server link: Criminality - Public Dev Server [READ DESC] - Roblox

If you can, check out the game and see what you think. Feel free to post any suggestions to reducing violence and what you think is a red flag. You can also post what I should keep in mind with future content in regards to keeping it in lines with moderation.

Maybe a far-fetched idea but creating a pop up dialogue when your game starts which states the game contains blood & gore and may or not be suited for a younger audience could help out your moderation & children who do not actually want to play your game problem.