Tool flips sideways?

So it took me a while to figure out how to make my tool weld together, and STAY, and now I have a new problem. The character grabs the tool sideways .-. I have no clue how to fix this, I’ve tried searching it and I feel blind.


Hey! A simple solution for this can be selecting the handle and rotating it. Or another option is using this plugin: You simply open the plugin once downloaded on Studio, select your handle and rotate it with the UI showing you.


ahhh thank you so much, i’m still new to developing so that was probably a dumb question lol


Hi 5O5Os! This is pretty simple to fix, so try not to worry about it. I would suggest rotating the part with the rotation tool (or do Ctrl + R and Ctrl + T each one time) and it’ll be fixed. There’s also a tool grip editor plugin which @Maximum_ADHD made, although it’s R$ 25 so rotating manually is your best option.

I hope this helped! Have a great day.


I recently released a tutorial to get the right tool grip for beginners. I hope it can be the solution to your problem although it’s late. :sweat_smile:

Tutorial for finding the right tool grip

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