Hi I’m currently making an Animation for my Guns but I can’t seem to animate Handles so I welded my Right Arm into the Handle but the results of the Animation is broken making the Handle on the same Position as the Right Arm.
This is how I weld the Handle:
This is what the original Animation looks like:
And this is the results I got:
I still don’t know what’s making it broken, I tried using the Animation Priority to Action but still broken and there’s still no Posts about these.
u could use the free tool grip editor plugin by egomoose or the paid one it doesnt matter. ig the reason why the handle is wrongly positioned in the right arm is because of the tool grip
I watched some YouTube Tutorials on how to Animate Handles and I just researched a bit on FE Gun Kit and they made a Script that allows the Motor6D to be on the Right Arm and so I made this Script:
local Tool = script.Parent
function Equipped()
local Character = Tool.Parent
local RightArm = Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
if RightArm then
local RightGrip = RightArm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip")
if RightGrip then
local Motor6D = Instance.new("Motor6D")
Motor6D.Part0 = RightGrip.Part0
Motor6D.Part1 = RightGrip.Part1
Motor6D.C0 = RightGrip.C0
Motor6D.C1 = RightGrip.C1
Motor6D.Parent = RightArm
Motor6D.Name = "Handle"
function Unequipped()
local Motor6D = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Handle")
if Motor6D then