Topbar Content and Escape Menu Fail to Load on Rare Occasions

This issue has been occuring for a while now where the Topbar buttons fail to load in-game and in studio test sessions.

This bug occurs inconsistently on all games. Reproducing is as simple as joining a game or starting a studio session and hope to see that it just occurs.

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Are there any errors in the output when this happen? How long has this roughly been happening for? How often does this occur for you?


Weirdly, there are no errors in the output or developer console. I started noticing this happening 2-3 days ago. The likeliness of this to occur is once every 30 games I suppose. However I think this may have something to do with games loading quickly which doesn’t give the topbar enough time to initialize.

We have turned on a speculative fix to this issue with the new release, please let me know if anyone sees this after updating to the most recent client.


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