TopBarPlus random icon appeared

Hey, I’ve just recently started using TopBarPlus for a project. And for some reason I get this random icon to the right of the “#” I made.
I’ve searched for answers in the API and dev forum. Unfortunately nothing.
Screenshot 2025-01-22 174507

The whole code:

local container  = script.Parent
local Icon = require(container.Icon)

local playerGui = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
local settingsUI = playerGui:WaitForChild("Settings").UI
local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
	:setLabel("Settings", "viewing")
	:bindEvent("selected", function()
		settingsUI.Visible = true
		settingsUI.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
		local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
		local properties = {
			Size =, 0,0.693, 0)

		local tween = tweenService:Create(settingsUI, tweenInfo, properties)

	:bindEvent("deselected", function()
		settingsUI.Visible = false

Thanks everyone in advance )


From what I have tested, the script seems to be running fine. Are you sure there isn’t another script that could be creating a new topbar icon?

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That’s the problem I’m facing, I haven’t used TopBarPlus before and this is the only script I wrote in the readme file provided.
I’ll try to delete and reinstall it. Hopefully that helps (For some reason didn’t think about doing that before, MB :sweat_smile:)

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Yeah, so unfortunately that didn’t fix the issue

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Here’s its directory btw:
Screenshot 2025-01-23 181123

I didn’t make any script that would utilize the TopBarPlus excluding the one provided (

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Just comment out all the code you wrote and see if it still does it

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Do you have a controller plugged in?

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this happens to me too, idk why

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From the TopbarPlus Documentation:

A new update to TopbarPlus may have added an icon to show that this is the case.

From my tests, UserInputService.GamepadEnabled is usually set to true because of the gamepad emulator, even when the widget is off. This may cause TopbarPlus to automatically do this.

This is not your fault. It will not show outside of Studio without a controller plugged in.


Thank you so much.
I was so confused by this.
I have a controller emulator, and it probably showed because of that.

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