When turning the wheels of the vehicle with spring suspension (in the file attached) using Torques, the vehicle noticeably wobbles from side to side as accelerating especially at higher speed.
When using AngularVelocitys with a large maximum velocity and the same MaxTorque, this wobbling does not occur. Instead it accelerates perfectly stable, as expected.
System information & repro attached privately.
Expected behavior
I would expect the two physics objects to have identical effects - they are both supplying the same torque. I would expect the behaviour of the Torque to match the behaviour of the AngularVelocity, given it has no reason to wobble and this behaviour is more stable and desirable.
Closing this issue as “By Design”. The torque and Angular velocity constraints provide similar functionality but are not identical so some differences in behavior are to be expected. For angular velocity, the constraint applies a torque to the attached body in order to change the body’s angular velocity to match the specified value. This torque will be proportional to the difference between the body’s current angular velocity and the specified value (subject to the torque limit specified in the constraint). More importantly, this torque will be set such that the angular velocity in all three dimensions is matched. Even if zero is specified for a particular component, the constraint will apply a torque to eliminate the angular velocity about that axis, acting as a rotational damper. For the vehicle example mentioned here, this damping helps stabilize the overall system and counter act other sources of numerical instability, such as solver error, constraint compliance and unstable contacts.