Touched events inconsistency with CanTouch in latest release

Repro steps:

  1. Download the Play Test the repro file:
    touched-event-bug-repro.rbxl (60.3 KB)
  2. Check the Output
  3. Touch both Red and Green parts with your character

Expected behavior:
Given that both parts have .CanTouch enabled, they should both print messages to the Output upon being touched

Actual behavior:
Only the Green part prints any messages

This issue appeared after the latest release, and affects places created prior to the update.

Enabling .CanCollide fixes the issue, allowing .Touched connections to fire, however it isn’t feasible for the usecase.

The Red part has it’s .Touched connection registered before .CanTouch is enabled, while the Green part registers after. Deleting the TouchInterests has no effect, and neither does attempting to re-register the Connections by disabling and enabling the RegisterTouchedEvents script.

The two important Scripts are in the Parts Model in the Workspace.

Frequency: Always
First experienced: November 15th, 2024


Can confirm, I too am suffering this issue.

Thanks for reporting! We’ve fixed the issue. Please restart studio to see if it works. If not, please let me know.


Thank you, I checked it in my game, now everything works as before!

Can confirm it has been fixed! :slight_smile:

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