Following a presumed update to the client today, players with up-to-date clients are experiencing .Touched events often not firing on tool hitboxes. This did not effect players who logged into the server earlier. This did not happen in Studio until I restarted and got the latest version.
The event seems to not fire under conditions that are difficult to speculate upon, but I would think it to be caused by an optimization enabling in too broad of circumstances. In my game’s case, it seems to not fire initially most of the time, until the user starts jumping or moving erratically, then the event fires until placed in the backpack, seemingly resetting the state. Here is the footage and I apologize for it not being a very pure test case, I just figured many people are experiencing this and it is a bug of tremendous impact so others may have better replication steps. The video of my test is linked, and the console logs ‘TouchC’ when I connect the hitbox’s Touched event, and prints any .Touched part’s name, and ‘TouchD’ when the connection is disconnected. Also I should note the wheat is completely client-side and the tool and its hitbox is physics-owned by the player at all times during this.