Tracking for Game Updates

First of all, thank you for adding Game Updates! This is a tool that I believe will be very helpful in creating a stronger bond between players and developers.

However, I think that it would be incredibly helpful if in the log of Game Updates, it gave statistics such as view count, click count and click through rate. Not only would including these statistics improve developer’s idea of who they are reaching and the most successful ways of reaching their audience, but it would unify the Game Update log with the user ads page. Unifying the language used across the Roblox site would be a plus for everyone.

I think this would be incredibly helpful, take a look at what I am thinking…

This is the Game Update log currently:

I suggest a change to something like this. Obviously it would require a bit of tracking, but I figure it would be easy enough to copy some of it from the user ads portion of the site. Also, Roblox would use the right fonts to make it look nice, I am not a GFX guy.

Anyways, lemme know what you guys think.


Also I think that it would be better if there was an extra tab next to the Store or whatever that has all the previous update logs.


Somewhere it should also say how many players are currently following said game.

They mentioned something like this at RDC during the developer panel.


We need to provide better analytics for developers. A lot of this will see changes as we move towards doing this.


Glad to say this feature request has been resolved. While more analytics would be helpful, Roblox does show the unfollow/CTR/views for game updates now.

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