Trade was Accepted, I received their items, they didn't receive mine

I did a trade with user Dispurgeds for his Peacock Fedora #222 in exchange for Friendly Fedora, Xanwood Fedora, Knights of the Splintered Sky: Mindsmasher, and Bighead. I recieved the Peacock Fedora #222 but none of my items went to him. The trade after I accepted it appeared in the Outbound section and said “processing” and then vanished from all the Trade page dropdown.

I unfortunately don’t have any screenshots of this trade.


Expected behavior

I expected the trade to process through as normal, but instead I received his item, and he didn’t receive mine.

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Through conversations with others who do trades, this has happened to other people as well, however they state the items are removed from the accepter’s account after 10-30 minutes, which is still not normal behavior.

Another update, the items still haven’t transferred.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s a glitch called UUC which is a rare bug where trades can be indefinitely stuck in processing, and not all items may be transferred properly - several traders have abused this flaw in the trading system, and unfortunately it’s still not fixed.

I was thinking it was absurdly rare, but it seems that it’s not as rare as you might think it is, as I had the same issue happen to me a while ago where I massed (multiple trades since there’s a limit of 4 trade slots).


In the last trade, my Bucket and ADA were taken away, but I didn’t receive their Saber Boss Eggs that was a part of this trade. This happened when it was stuck in “Processing” for several minutes, and it can take much longer than that. Fortunately it happened with a small, and eventually it completed, but this has happened before with larger items. I wouldn’t be surprised if people scammed others by trading away their item when this happens to steal their items.

The UAID of the item I did receive is:

  • 466203119

The UAID of the items he was supposed to receive from me are as follows:

  • 2554756213
  • 2397135779
  • 5188897381
  • 1496749355

Very interesting, and I added the guy on Roblox to explain to him that some bug had occurred, and he asked if I would send the item back, which I told him no because it might make the situation more difficult for Roblox to resolve.

I’m not sure if you should trade it back as it could risk completing and you losing your items as well. I’d try to make sure that your items are kept until it eventually completes (and that is if it does)

Here’s a related thread for the same UUC bug. Hopefully Roblox looks into this as it has been around for a couple of years now and it’s pretty serious.

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I plan to keep all involved items until Roblox gives a response on the issue.

Hi! Could you or the other user open a ticket with customer service about this issue at Support? They would be able to help you resolve it.

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Yeah, I already did that as well.

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The support staff essentially told me in the email that there is absolutely nothing they can do without me providing a screenshot of the trade, which is literally impossible.