This is amazing! Any idea on when this will be released?
Awesome! Looking forward to this
Missile trails
Looks amazing
I’m asuming there will be an option to enable and disable it like current particle emitters.
It would be good if that was the case. Having the option to edit it could be good too.
Will there be a way to make trails use additive blending?
@GuestCapone @buildthomas Now the trail is actually related to world positions of two Attachments. So new segment will be generated when the attachments moves. At most one new segment per frame.
@Roball1 @Ninja_Deer @ScriptOn I’m not sure about the release time. In one month I guess.
@gkku Edit: We will have LightEmission like ParticleEmitter.
Definitely what I was thinking! Will be using it for a whole bunch of games including a racing game!
Best news ever!
So it works with CFrame updates? Awesome!
Would it perhaps be possible to add an :Emit()-like method to make it emit a new segment to the current position outside of this logic? One of the reasons why I supported this feature request a few weeks ago is because I wanted to be able to create multi-segment trails in a single frame (because I want to draw lines that don’t just go straight between point A and B in the trail). This would be useful for creating random lightning arc-like effects, to give an example (one segment per frame would not be enough to simulate lightning arcs in a nice way, they are meant to change completely every few frames).
can you update the original post’s gifs with the NEW ROBLOX LOGO
Will this be visible on all graphics levels?
I think the best way to do this is preparing several textures and change texture every frame.
Even if it’s a guess, it’s reassuring and great to hear about this. Thank you.
Will there be a build available on gametest or something to start messing with it soon?
awesome work!
Thanks for thinking along but that doesn’t really work out for what I’m trying to do. Though I guess what I’m suggesting is a little niche, so fair enough.