Translator portal providing access to translate games I should not have access to

What is expected: I only see games I have been added as a translator to
What is actually happening: I see multiple pages of games I should not have translation access to/have not been added as a translator to, and can successfully edit their translations

Where is this happening: The translator portal
When did it start happening: 23rd of May, 2022 (This has been noticed for a couple weeks now, however I’m unsure exactly when I first noticed so I put today to be safe)

Images to demonstrate the problem

I do not know what these games are or who any of these creators are. I have never been added as a translator to any games before, so I should have zero games in the translator portal.

Reproduction instructions:

  1. Visit the translator portal
  2. Scroll through the games you have translation access to
  3. Observe there being many unrelated games

Small note

I first assumed this was just a one off bug where someone flicked the wrong switch (like how profiles were showing other users games/creations, or how groups sometimes show clothing from other groups/users) however it’s been going on for a while now and isn’t listed on so I believe this isn’t just a simple issue.

I also believe this is rather urgent, as this could potentially be abused by users with malicious intent, as those users could put inappropriate content down as a translation, and get off scot free while the owner gets punished for it (similar to a common complaint about users with team create games having other users inserting inappropriate content)


Thank you for the report!

We’ve filled a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information.


Following up!

Our engineers claim that this is not a bug because game owners are explicitly giving users access as translators.

Closing this thread since it is intended behavior!

That can’t be right, I can confirm at least three of the people never added me as a translator to their games, yet I still have/had translation access to them.

It wouldn’t surprise me if none of them added me, as again I’ve never seen any of these games or their creators/owners in my life and for the ones that I have come in contact with they don’t recognise me either, a few even accused me of hacking.


Even so, this is still unexpected behavior – as a developer I don’t want random users to be able to put junk on my translator portal page that I’m not interested in.

It would be great if you could get a product manager or engineer to respond to this issue.


Can you provide the user IDs and universe IDs for those you mentioned they never added you?

Sent in your dms for the users+games privacy.

For anyone reading the thread: I only sent ones I confirmed never added me (one who called me a hacker, one group that nobody inside recognised me or had ever heard of me, and another user who removed me from the translators and seemed to just refuse all contact attempts but oddly hasn’t edited out my provided translations)


hey @CraX_573!

I took a look into the translator access issues you are seeing. What you are seeing is intentional developer additions. Translators can be added as either a specific user/ an entire group/ or a role in a group. In your case most of your access is coming from groups being added as translators to these experiences.

So for these experiences you are actually a valid translator.

Hope this clears any confusion up

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This needs a request system backing it, or a star/bookmark system. As it stands I could probably cripple someone’s use of this page by creating N experiences and adding them as a translator to each experience. Then they wouldn’t be able to find anything they actually translate for.


Thanks for the clarification, it just seemed like there was something going on here when nobody recognises me and are even accusing me of being a hacker even though I was apparently added by them, since 2 of the places I sent in were under a user profile and not a group, and a majority of the other places on my translate page are also under profiles and not groups.

If you want this behavior to be changed, you can make a Feature Request, so our engineers will take it in consideration.

Closing this thread since it came out that the problem here isn’t really a bug!

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Developers have given feedback that they don’t want random people to be able to add junk to their portal as early as Oct 2019:

Note the 40/50 Like responses on that announcement related to this.

Your colleague subsequently mentioned here this would be addressed:

I’m not a “valid translator” for a game because some 8-year-old that owns that game decided I should be. I want to have agency over what shows up in my translation-related portals.

I strongly suggest actually using the product or using highly-visible users as one of your use cases while developing this feature. This seems indicative of a lack of dog-fooding.


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Hey all, want to update this thread to mention that we agree the current product behavior is not ideal and we’ll be iterating on this page in the near future to move it closer to the desired behavior.

As a first step after redoing the page we are thinking of letting you remove unwanted translator assignments. We may also add additional mechanisms in the future other than that to disincentive unwanted assignments, but are still discussing about this.

Will still be closing out this bug report as it is a product limitation rather than a bug, but wanted to give an update on our current thinking around this page.


Small update: we will be shipping a message to this page to let people know why undesired tiles may be showing up and to let everybody know we’re working on this problem, as above. ^


A new banner explaining why you might be seeing some unfamiliar experiences in the translator portal has been added. As @Hooksmith mentioned, we are working on a long term solution that would allow creators and translators more control over privacy and permissions settings. Thanks for bearing with us in the meantime and thanks for all your feedback!


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