Trello API [ReMade] • Use Trello easily in your game!

Quaerit Services • TrelloAPI


Group Introduction:

We are a group of developers who offer services for ambitious groups, create projects and are open for commissions. You can find us on the communications server for more information!

[Free Relase] - TrelloAPI Module:

Hello Roblox Developers, The roblox Community has never released a working TrelloAPI Model, even though, Trello is used in a lot of games.
A Trello API was released in 2018, however it is very confusing and not all things are working properly, we decided to create another one that is much ordered and with simple and clear functions & Documentation.

:warning: Warnings: This API allows you to do a lot of things related to an RP / roblox game, We haven’t rewritten the entire Trello API, but if you need some specific features we’ll be happy to add them to the module.

Before start using our TrelloAPI Enabled HTTP Request on game and Add you’re TrelloAPIKey & TrelloToken On the settings Folder (Inside TrelloAPI Module)

Below is an example of how to require the TrelloAPI to you’re roblox game and use it.

-- // Require TrelloAPI
local TrelloEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("TrelloEvent")
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("RobloxTest")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"VerifiedUsers")

--[[ You can access 3 different categories of functions.

-- //  Example Script (ServerScript)
	if TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,Player.Name) then
		print("Congratulations, you're on our Trello Board!")
		print("Sorry you're not in our Trello Board.")

If you need help setting up or making a code regarding our API module, don’t hesitate to ask for it under this message.

Got an idea for improving this code or do you want another feature?
Let us know here, under this message.

Need help scripting something complex?
Take a look at our Roblox Group and Communication Server: Roblox Group

If you find any bug, please let me know here.

Get TrelloAPI Now: Click Here
Read New Documentation: Click Here

Support us By Click :heart: if you liked this resource.
Credits: @Sonostrano20 , @FuryX547


dude this is awsome! I never understood the Trello API myself, so this is really useful!


Hello Developers.

Just a little clarification on my previous announcement

  • Documentation can be found inside the “TrelloAPI” Module.
  • Every function if fail it will return false (Boolean) , If the function needs to create something and shouldn’t return output it will return true (Boolean) , if the function should return data it will return the LUA Table Object.

Ps: Thank you very much for 5 Sales

Remember to leave :heart: if you liked this resource.


Out of curiosity what is your recommended use of this module? To explain further how do you recommend your users to interact with Trello using this module?

1 Like

Hello @T0ny ,

As explained above, the roblox community lacks a Partial Complete Trello API, as a Roblox developer I have seen so many games using trello. ( As I have already explained we can add many other functions if the players ask for them, Actually with the function on that module you can do pretty much anything)

This module can be used anywhere, even for a script whitelist, Tool Giver, an Arrest System (Log), Ban System and whatever else.
How much is easier to add a card trello and automatically to the next rejoin of the player, the player for example can get a specific tool or feauture, Without avoiding spamming the trello API with the functions that have been built it is possible to download all the cards in the list, and then check when the player enters if he is on them.
I hope I was as clear as possible!


I understood up to this part.

Did you mean that your module allows users to utilize the Trello API while respecting their API rate limits?

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Exactly, of course it is not the function that limits this thing, but if you read the documentation carefully you can save the first time a list of all the cards and then check in a lua table if the player is present, in short, this is the responsibility of the developer who uses the module, But the tools to avoid request spam are present inside.

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Suggestion: I haven’t seen a way people can get the card details (like label names from the specific card for example). Not sure if it’s already implemented.


Hi There if you want to get All card in list try this:

local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("BoardName")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"ListName")
local Cards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

This would return an Output like this:

A Lua Table With all the card on that specific list, inside the card object you can get a get a lot of thing such as name, description and more!

Then With a for Cicle you can read each element & Get the information that you want

You may find labels inside the Object:

Code example:

local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("BoardName")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"ListName")
local Cards = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)

for _,TrelloData in pairs(Cards) do
	print("Name Card: " ..
	print("Labels Count: " .. #TrelloData.labels)
	for _,labelsInfo in pairs(TrelloData.labels) do
		print("Color Label: ",  labelsInfo.color)
		print("Name Label: ",



This is a great resource. Its way easier then the old TrelloAPI.

I had a quick question though, I’m not sure how to get the description of a card.

Hello There!

Try This:

-- // Require TrelloAPI
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("BoardName")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"List Name")
local CardID = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardOnList(ListId,"Card Name")

for _,TrelloObjData in pairs(TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList(ListId)) do
	if == CardID then
		print("Name Of the card: ",
		print("Description Of the card: ", TrelloObjData.desc)

Let me know if you have others question!


Hello Developers,

I have just created this new plugin in order to help you setup the module.

This plugin will asks you to enter your API & Token credentials and if they are correct it creates the module and sets it up for you.

If you find any bug or you have suggestions, let me know immediately here.
Also Thank you for support, we have almost reached 20 sales!

Get it Now: TrelloAPI - [Plugin] - Roblox


Just to clarify to developers who intend to use this to use Trello as a database.

Trello is not a Database system and should only be used for project planning. It is also not a website which is intended to host your errors, issues and bugs. Use Sentry for error logging and your own system for a Database.


Im currently trying to make a code where the script shows all of the cards under a list but i cant figure out how to do it. Can someone help please?

This is my code:

local TrelloEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("TrelloEvent")
local TrelloAPI = require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("TrelloAPI"))
local BoardID = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetBoardID("622337f9bc43dc1541aec68b")
local ListId = TrelloAPI.BoardsAPI.GetListID(BoardID,"TrainingBooking")

script.Parent.Text = TrelloAPI.CardsAPI.GetCardsOnList("62233807a284b72b5d6a15e6")

Solved in private messages. (If you have any other doubts let me know)

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If your talking about my reply, I have not long figured out on how to fix it.

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You joined on our Comunication Server and asked the same thing, we have re-created the system for you

Model Maked for you
TrainingBookingCards.rbxm (16.7 KB)


This is an amazing module, it works way better than the original TrelloAPI and I no longer get http bad requests from using it, so thank you for putting your time into making this module! This has saved a lot of developers.

Additionally, do you have a way to add attachments to a card? I’ve been looking into it and I don’t seem to know a way to do so, as I’m not really that familiar with Trello’s API.

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Hello There, Nice to hear that, Unfortunately for attachments, they are not currently implemented within the API, Also with roblox you could only implement Link in attachments, So if that’s what you want, the option to attach link on attachament I can consider and do it

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Yeah, that’s what I was looking for.

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