I am currently working on optimizing our game for lower end devices - but in order to do so it would be helpful to have some guidelines on the Tris and Mats count visible in the game.
My process is basically:
- Set the graphics to manual and lowest setting
- Play the game and observe the tris count in the render stats (the Draw (Scene) is the important metric since shadows are disabled on lower graphic settings)
The render stats:
Are there any guidelines on X amount of tris and Y amount of mats for a game to work well on low end devices?
And anyone that happens to know what the number right after Draw (Scene): means? I assume draw calls?
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After experimenting some I noticed that the number in fact seems to be Draw Calls, was kind of obvious when testing to delete UI-components that uses many different textures.
What scene are you attempting to render? How complex are each of your meshes and can you downsize on that section?
To my knowledge there really isn’t a “sweet spot” in the amount of tris that are efficient to render. I usually try to minimize the amount of tris in a model as much as possible regardless of any extra rendering that can be done.
It is not a single model, all our models are low poly meshes done by a professional artist. Our scene is a place that goes in a long straight line in order to cater to both the streaming and view distance.
This is an example screenshot, and the world just continues ahead, but you cannot see the rest since it has not been streamed.
There is always a “sweet spot” for tris / mats / draw calls for each game engine + device combo, if someone knows about it is a different story.
I guess that I could write a quick “benchmark game” and see how it performs on different devices with different parameters, should be fairly easy.