Tsugi | Frequently Asked Questions

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:memo: Questions

This FAQ includes some of the more frequently asked questions that we receive. It should include the full answer to the questions listed, hopefully you find the answer to what you are looking for!

:one: When are training sessions hosted?
Training sessions are hosted daily at specific times, you can checkout the description of the Training Center or you can head over to the Tsugi | Session Information for further details.

:two: I’m currently a trainee, how do I get promoted?
You can get promoted by attending and passing a Training Session to get promoted to Junior Chef, once you have reached this rank, you can get promoted by being active in-game!

:three: I’ve been an HB for awhile now, and I haven’t been promoted to SI. What should I be doing to get promoted?
To get promoted to SI, you need to get noticed by the Staffing Department. You should be working and handling customers appropriately, have a great greeting to catch the eyes of the Staff, this is one of many ways. But we highly recommend not to ask a Staff member for a promotion as it will decrease your chances.

:four: I passed my training, but I wasn’t promoted. What should I do?
If this were to happen, you should open a ticket and explain your situation and it should hopefully be handled, providing proof increases the chances of the issue being handled and may increase the speed of the process.

:five: How do I become a Trainee?
To become a Trainee you must take the Application and pass, you can do so by visiting our Application Center, after answering all the questions and passing, you will automatically be promoted to Trainee.

:six: I passed the quiz but I haven’t been ranked to Trainee. What do I do?
If this were to happen, it means our Ranking bot is offline. You can open a ticket in our Communications server and a member of the Corporate team will assist you and you will be able to retake the quick once it’s online again.

:seven: How do I join the communications Server?
You can do so by heading over to the Group, after that you will find a link leading you to our Communications server.

:eight: What are the requirements for SI?
The main requirements for Staff Intern are being a Head Chef for a minimum of two weeks, be in the Communications server, you also must be verified and most importantly you shouldn’t have Safe Chat on the Roblox platform.

:nine: How do I report someone?
You can either report someone by talking to a member of the Management Team ingame, or you can open a ticket on the Communications server with the Username, Reason and proof of the situation.

:keycap_ten: How do I appeal a ban?
To appeal a ban that is invalid, you can open a ticket and you will be assisted by a member of the Corporate team, but for a detailed explanation you can head over to the Tsugi | Public Handbook, and you will find a detailed explanation that will guide you.

:wave: Conclusion

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to ask a Management member in-game, or reach out to a member of the Management team through our Communications server for further assistance!